There's a new trend on Steemit? Please, don't pm me your content to upvote as a direct message in the chat

in #steemit7 years ago

In these last days I observed a new "trend" : every day some people send me direct message in the chat to ask me upvote. Every day I have some new pm where newbies ask me upvote&follow. 

Sorry, but I think it's a very wrong way to have my upvote, it's a rude way and I don't love who do spam.

If you want my attention, the only way is to write interesting content, write interesting comment and DON'T spam me!

In the steemit chat there are full of channels where yu can add the link of your content and where people is free to upvote you, the direct messages don't work for this!

So, a fast tips: if you want more upvote and more followers, the best way is to have patience and don't spam!

At the next


silvia beneforti


Just got my first a few minutes ago - and I don't really do chat - yep I will be ignoring them just like all my spam emails...

True, it's like all spam emails ^_^

Flag them that will put an end to it.

I would suggest warning them first. People don't always know that or why something is inappropriate.

If they researched enough to find chat and know high rep people they know exactly what they are doing.

Most of them are probably scammers to begin with and their posts should be looked at for plagiarism.

I hope that they understand the "message" just reading some advice like this, maybe I'm an optimistic woman ;)

Yeah, super annoying. It was there last summer and fall, but it stopped when the price started going down. Guess it's a good sign :P

Yes, guess it's a good sign ;) I have 4-5 pm per day, it's too much for my patience :P

I do upvote when people are nice.

Only if the whole world was focused on upvote and messaging, the world will no longer have terrorism and violence. :P

I totally agree with you!

There is no easy quick and dirty way to a valauble account on steemit :D

Agreed. People just should create quality content and be patient.

I totally agree! Our followers, the "real" followers, want to read something good, not receive spam as pm. It's a bad approach and don't work to earn more SBD in medium-long time :(

You said it.. The incentive to make money (steem) seems to attract a lot of spammers.
I'm quite new too and I'm curious if the design of the platform can solve that really in the long run?!

I don't know if the design of the platform can solve it in the future, because it's a problem that we can see on other social network too. However, we have some way to contrast it: ignore them and help them to understand that it's a wrong way to have upvotes and/or followers. Maybe a sort of steemit-netiquette could help ^_^

I've noticed this too @silviabeneforti. I recently joined the chat, and wasn't sure if that was a normal thing over there or not, it is very annoying and a bad way to go about things.

I'm here from january and I've never noticed this "trend" before. Now the value of steem is hight and there are some (few, I think) newbies who think to add followers using spam, but it's a wrong approach.

There are a lot of new people around lately and if they spam elsewhere (FB, twitter, youtube), they will do it here too. I just ignore those messages.

I ignore tem too, but I think to share a sign that they're using a bad approach is useful for everyone and for them :P

I hope it helps. Maybe some can read your post and get the idea, that spam is bad. Posts, comments and interaction are the best way to go forward on Stemmit.

I've been hit by a few of those pms too! With all the recent new users (myself amongst them) I've seen quite a few low effort attempts to push their content (or lack thereof) every which way

Send pm to ask upvote is a bad approach for many of us, the best approach is to share the content on the right channels in the chat (there are many channels just for this) and write interesting contents/comments, be patient and have fun. Using this second approach I have almost 500 followers now ;)

A very good point and a very great pleasure to make your acquaintance Lady Silvia. Have a wonderful day from your new admirer. SirKnight.

Valuable information.Up voted.I was just kidding in the chat. Good Luck.Cheers!!

Thanks for your comment, @tamsguitar ^_^

I totally agree with you!

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