Could not posting on Steemit Now be the biggest financial regret of your life?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Let me start out this post by first of all saying I have no idea what Steemit is.

Other than hearing a few friends post about it on Facebook and in various Cryptocurrency groups, I'm still relatively new to this platform.

And I'll be honest with you on the outside it looks boring.

You see, I'm a Wordpress guy, so naturally trying to edit my posts in this composer is quite painstaking but they say that simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication so for now I'm pushing my judgements and design snobbery aside to deliver to this message to you because I believe it's the most important one you'll read all day.

Also for the record I've never posted on Reddit, yep, not once!

So, why am I here writing this to you now, and why do I truly believe (as my the title of this post states) that not posting on Steemit now will be the biggest financial regret of your life?

Well, first of all when you've been on the internet and specifically done business online for a long time you start to notice trends.

I'm not going to go into my whole story but it started out stealing people's passwords on AOL chat so I could log on via dial up, yes dial up to try and pick up girls (pathetic I know, that's what the internet was first for though for a young testosterone filled man like myself.

And if I was to be completely honest with you I actually started doing this on a service called Prodigy way back in the day.

Anyways, then it became Myspace, and then I figured out how to make money there, somedays I'd pull in $1,000 per day, I was a spammer by the way. (Hey, we all gotta start somewhere!)

Then, I started to write articles on Google, then I started placing ads on Google, then Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc.

This completely changed my life and I also started to develop a "knack" or intuition for emerging trends.

I could feel into the momentum and potential behind a new platform and let me tell you I've never felt anything potential wise like I feel with Steemit.

Why Steemit Why Now?

Well, not only has Steemit it developed an amazing way for it's user to get paid but they're getting paid in CRYPTOCURRENCY.

And I can't think of anything more exciting than the world of Cryptocurrency right now can you? I also can't think of anything with as much momentum behind it as things like Bitcoin, the Blockchain, etc.

To me, even writing a simple 5 minute post like this is like investing in Bitcoin at the beginning.

I'd be a complete FOOL not to be doing this right now.

So, if you're sitting on the fence about this site or don't really know what this site is, that doesn't really matter. The #'s speak for themselves, this is the FUTURE of social media.

So instead of wasting your time trying to keep up with the joneses on Facebook or post your latest selfie on Instagram why not take some time to add value to someone else's life with your words and get paid for it?

Who else is doing that in this way? NO ONE.

I truly believe that Steemit is going to completely disrupt the entire social media scene, it's only a matter of time.

That doesn't mean you have to go out and delete your Facebook account, those things are still useful for connecting and keeping up with friends but you won't get near as much back as you put in with this platform.

So do yourself a favor and drop everything you're doing and start adding value to this community NOW.

You'll be glad you did!



I don't know if not posting will be a regret for everyone, but certainly not voting up articles might. If we want Steemit to succeed people need to vote on good content. That will ensure content creators know their work is received and will indicate to others that this is a vibrant community worth joining.

I have been trying my best to curate content here. People are posting a lot of good stuff! It deserves to be recognized!

Yes, what gets my attention (!!!) is serious, small startups in the $1 million range "moving to steemit"... and effectively making it their main web presence.

For sure Zer0! There's so much opportunity amongst us at this point, it's amazing to see new, disruptive technologies pop up like this everyday. It's like the internet all over again!

I just signed up and this is the first post I have fully read.

I think I just found my reddit replacement for the most part. Super stoked on this!

Right on. Enjoy! Happy to pop your cherry haha :)

Gonna slap this over on Facebook see if I can't bring a couple others over muahahaha (he chuckled evilly to himself lol).

I sort of regret not getting more active when I first arrived. But such is life!

I felt the same way about Bitcoin, but now I feel like we're only at the beginning. There's so much opportunity out there right now it's insane!

I really enjoyed reading this post:) Glad you're here..Happy Steeming!

Thank you very much Arcane! Happy to be among like minds.

Awesome post man thanks for the imput..

Btw don't know if you knew that you had begging instead of beginning :D

Looking forward to future posts

Just getting into it myself, so this was helpful, thanks!

You got it dude.

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