in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

An update to my hypothesis on time and space, and when to post on Steemit. What time is now in Steemitland?

Yesterday’s post is here:


And it clearly hit a chord. People thanked me for my work, and said it had saved them from spending hours figuring it out themselves - 8 of them voted it up. (6 if you discount myself and my partner.)

So either there are only 6 other people on Steemit who care about the best time to post, or my hypothesis is flawed. A sobering and shameful confession to have to make…

A photography post I made about the same time went up to 3 figures, so maybe my hypothesis was sound. But unlike a scientist who is being funded by a corporation, I’ll continue to test and refine it.

So back the drawing board – what are the possible flaws in my logic?

Maybe my assumption that the majority of you are in the US was flawed. I’ll come back to that possibility another day if needed, as I have another possibility that seems more likely.

What if out there in sheeple-land, people’s favourite surfing time is 7-10 in the evening, but in Steemit-land it’s different?

Maybe the majority of people here are self-employed, self-determined, entrepreneurs, full time writers or work from home. Maybe the majority of us are accessing the internet all through the day (or night).

That would make it harder to pin down an optimum time, as it could be any time in the 12 hours leading up to 7pm California / 10pm New York.

Maybe there is actually no optimum time. Maybe trying to find it is like looking for the Holy Grail, or the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

But I will continue my experimenting, for the good of all, and so I don’t let down my supporters from yesterday, today I will post an hour earlier, and I’ll keep you posted.

Yesterdays post with all the time comparisons and calculations is here if you missed it:


Today SIFT666 aka Ian Gregson is a professional Steemit analyser and crypto-currency investor from New Zealand. In between sunbathing and counting his wedge he likes to watch YouTube videos about sheep and is currently designing a website portal to rival Steemit called https://www.frot.co.nz


Or maybe photos of buildings with freaky skies

Dammit, I'm starting to think that every time I do a blog about time it will sink without trace. My next post could well be a photo gallery of kittens!

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