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RE: I just bought some steem riddle me this! NEWBIE GUIDE TO STEEMIT!

in #steemit5 years ago

Berniesanders has ruined thousands of accounts on here, for people disagreeing with him on a single post. haejin has done the same, the whole place needs a "major" overhaul or it dies, end of story, and I for one, am not afraid of saying it, or naming them both!


Exactly why a flag if against rewards should go against the person that gave the reward, not the person that posted the content.

If flagged for plagiarism or copyright infringement then against the poster.

If flagged because of disagreement over the nature of the content ie; flat earth - then a remark would be mandatory in the comments section so that all user can see that someone disagreed with the content, but no effect against the content poster should be felt, or noted on the post. example of a flag comment:

This post has been flagged by@blahblahblah due to content
Flat earth is a hoax period.

Or something similar to that. But content should not be greyed out because some self serving social justice warrior wanna be thinks an idea or content should not be expressed.

Superb idea, you listening @ned or still wanking off over all your alt ego accounts?

To be honest, I think ned has been played, and only just realized it, as I can prove beyond doubt, Mr Dan Larimer has "full control of this shit show"......

Would be curious to see what you have showing Dan is in control. I have often wondered why he left. With his knowledge of the chain he wrote, his vast stake he premined, if it is possible to build all this great shit on here, why didn't he? This question has returned to me many times, yet again when I watched a video yesterday showing he is off to make yet a new chain that will be like Bitcoin.

The problem with utopia is once people get there it gets all fucked up. Not sure how a chain will change this, especially when it depends on the currency of what it seeks to escape to exist.

I have no answers. I have resigned myself that this little I invested is more likely than not going to be my contribution to one of the preminers night of booze and hookers and comfort myself that I have blown way more in any year on absolute crap I could do without. Perhaps some of the awesome people I have met here who are way smarter than I when it comes to this will make something so awesome those who milk this won't be able to fuck it up with their greed.

Hang in their bro, I aint finished yet, to right this, takes more than a few days, and your investment is safe, as long as I have anything to do with it, and I for 1 am not letting Scammy Dan or Ned off scott free.

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