Srećan 8. Mart svim ženama, posebno damama na Steemit Srbija Discord serveru / Steemit Serbia Congratulate International Women's Day With Giveaway For Our Discord Ladies

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Međunarodni dan žena obeležava se 8. Marta svake godine u znak prava žena širom sveta. Zbog toga Steemit Srbija je na simboličan način čestitala svim damama na našem Discord serveru.

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th every year as a sign of women's rights around the world. That's why Steemit Serbia congratulated all ladies on our Discord server in a symbolic way.

Pre nego počnemo o prazniku moramo napomenuti da je naša zajednica Steemit Srbija stara tek 15 dana i da na svom Discord serveru ima nešto više od 20 članova.

Before we start about today's theme we must mention that our community Steemit Serbia is only 15 days old and that there are more than 20 members on our Discord server.

Svakodnevno resteem-ovanje postova nije stopirano ni juče kada smo imali malih problema sa bandwidth-om nastalih zbog obimnijeg resteema i komentara. Bandwidth se malo vratio nakon par upvote-a od kojih je najvazniji bio od ali trenutno nekako stoji i kontrolisaćemo ga.

The daily resteeming of posts was not stopped even yesterday when we had little problems with the bandwidth created due to more extensive resteems and comments. Bandwidth returned to normal after a couple of upvotes, of which the most important was

Današnji dan koristimo da damama sa našeg servera čestitamo praznik i to na simbolican način.
Trenutno na našem Discord serveru imamo 5 dama a to su: @nikolina, @divisionbell, @jaca, @ladysnowhite i @invazijaleptira

Today we congratulate International Women's Day to ladies from our server in a symbolic way.
Currently on our Discord server we have 5 ladys which are: @nikolina, @divisionbell, @jaca, @ladysnowhite and @invazijaleptira

Svakoj smo poslali po simboličnih 0.5 SBD kao poklon za današnji praznik.

We sent each symbolic 0.5 SBD as a gift for todays festivity.

Uživajte, Srećan 8. mart!

Enjoy, Happy Women's Day!

Pozivnica uvek stoji za naš Discord server, dođite da se družimo!

Join our Steemit Srbija Discord Server



Hvala puno, bas sam se obradovala, divni ste :))

Nema na cemu! :)

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