It's time to CALM DOWN, CHILL OUT, and STEEM ON!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

You've joined Steemit's Cool Kids Club but you're not feeling so cool. You haven't been paid thousands like others. Well...

...Stop right there!

Already you're wrong

Trust me. I've been where you are. More than once.
"But my post has over 100 likes, why aren't I getting paid?"

You're Worried When You Shouldn't Be!!!

Steemit has recently received an influx of users. YOU. Yes, you right there in your chair reading this. You have most likely been apart of that influx.

If you joined within the month and are wondering, "my friends are getting paid, why aren't I?"
Simply put, there's too many posts and not enough big voters.

(Samuel Whale. Jackson)

Whales are doing their best but they can't do it alone!

It's all going to be fine!

Steemit is growing fast! It's growing so fast that there's more and more Whales every day!

It will all be fixed in due time. Have faith.

We're in beta! The "Follow" option will soon work, among other things. It will soon be hard for your post not to start trending in your circle of friends. It'll be harder than catching a rattle snake with a boot. The days of sitting there and refreshing your page 100 times a minute will be over.
Be patient. Your time will come!

Of course I could be wrong...

...It may be that your posts just suck. Sorry to be so blunt but it could be a possibility.

Not a bad thing!

Put in more work. Research the hundreds of articles here on how to make a good post. Become the world's greatest blogger! Now is the time to do so.

Rome wasn't built in a day!

Spend this time building your follower base. Perfect your blogging abilities. Comment and Curate on everything that's good. Learn about how this works. Do your part for others feeling the same way as you.

This is a Community and we must do our part to help it grow!

As my friend @timd eloquently put it, Just Keep Swimming


Well.have to keep on posting, one brick at a time

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