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RE: Yet Another Post Regarding Unfair Payouts, But This Is A Proposal, Not A Rant

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'll qualify this by saying I don't have a head for economics or figures. So the particulars of a distribution system are not something I spend much time considering. Having said that.....

From my perspective, art has always needed, and always will need, patronage. Not respecting the patronage of an art lover is not a very wise move.

We can all cry about our reputation, but reputation is an illusion. Character is of more value than reputation, but who can measure character? Reputation can be lost in the name of good character.

I'll conclude with just saying that money makes the system go around. Money is the energy that makes the machine pump. We should be grateful and respectful of the contribution of patrons of our art forms. Some of them might be assholes, sometimes. But they are generous assholes. The majority are thoughtful and considerate people, who see an opportunity to combine a love of art (drawing, writing etc.) with making a bit of money. It's a risky business for them too. There is no guarantee of a return.


Agreed, reputation in the real world is an illusion, but how about online? To evaluate a persons character would be easier in the material world than online IMO.

Regarding patronage, I agree with you but I cannot see a situation where you would agree to an known/anonymous patron who had gargantuan swag and wealth from sources which most would consider illegal, or immoral.

I also agree when you say money makes the system go round, but does it have to be "in-your-face"? In the six months here on steemit, I have noticed it apparently is having the opposite effect, rather than mass adoption.

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