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RE: Step by Step instructions for the EASIEST way to start mining STEEM on windows!(Nevermind, doesnt work anymore, need to run linux or vmware linux emulation on windows for this to work and use newest version as we are way past 0.13.0 we are on 0.18.0))

in #steemit7 years ago

I've tried mining a few weeks ago and failed. I'll try again


I am 100% sure youll be able to get it running with my guide...

if not i will help you over the phone if u want,

text me with any questions (call after u text so i know who it is) 619-302-0398 - Zack

Ok aparently theyre telling me it wont work now for windows because we are on hardfork 16, and the program i listed was for hardfork 13, seems like some terribel coding and really bad programming, shouldnt have to make new programs to mine a cryptocurrenbcy...why cant they make a use friendly gui miner? and whats going on with the whole releasing a program that only works to mine a blockchain for limited amount of time?

I dunno, My steemd.exe seems to be working ...

Thanks for the offer to help, I'll try this. At the moment it's syncing...I'll give you an update.

i get this barf

yes i am sorry I was informed this wont work, and i was never mining any stem lol, because they are way past version 13 theyre on 18 or something now, but io had no way of knowing or if i had somehow known from maybe a comment warning me from the steemit article showing steps how to run a windows steemit program, seemed to be up to date, oh well, i see now even with substantiual expensive hardware u stioll wont make much profit mining steem unles su are really investing alot, so yeha like ive been realizing its better to just use uextra cash top buy bitcoin ata bitcoin atm, and then kjust buy more steem with poloniex and transfer to steemit account or if u have cc or bank buy steem with some other website, or if u have bitcoin buy it on steem,it website

on poloniex u can buy or sell steem or sbd anytime, i just buy it and keep it there, i gues makes more sense to keep all my steem in my account tho, whatever i dont have that much , i will eventualy buy like $5 here $10 there of steem on poloniex and trandfeer to my steemit account
thats what i suggest u do, it will alow you to gain influyence and etc, benefit from buying more steem in your account, use abitcoin atm to buy the bitcoin u nee dto buy the steem
, sorry man, i got your hopes up, now to run newest linux only mining progrma u need to liek run vmware inside windows if u dont wanan install linux...and then run ita nd by then ur getting meta and notw orth it trerritory so just stick to buying yourself extra steem using a cryptoi currency exchange and bitcoin atm to buy the bitcoin to buy the steem or sbd or if u can use a bank account or credit or debit card u can probly buy steem throughh steemit i believe, or if not just use poloniex or hopefully coinbase soon if they add steem

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