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RE: Racism on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

Hear hear. I never had the feeling you was a hard core racist. Or racist at any kind.

But i dont believe everybody is racist. I believe eveyone is a little scared of the unknown, but you have a decision what you do with that feeling.

Keep up valor :)


The Qur'an says: "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush" (Surah 9:5)

I wouldn't consider people that believe in killing all Pagans unknown or a feeling, I don't want Muslims around me, no excuses.

That's like quoting a racist idiot like you and saying "look, all Germans are evil. They have learned nothing from their past". Fact is: most people are not as dumb and miserable as you are. You have probably never even left your hometown and are so depressed about your life that you need to hate on others to feel good. But, if you would ever travel, you would see that in most countries people will invite you to their home and share tea and food with you, without even knowing you and absolutely not caring about your religion what so ever.
You, of course, would never do such a thing. You are too afraid to go out and actually talk to some people from other cultures. Your are nothing but a coward hiding behind your online profile.

I respect you but i dpnt agree. Alot of muslim friends of mine that never tries to kill to me. "Us christian" have slaughtered alot of people in the past. Become christian or become beheadet!

Im nor proud of that. But im npt tp blame. Im a induvidual that should be treated the way i behave to others (respectfully)

Thanks for you view tough valor. I know you from jefpre but i really dont knlw what this is about.

I know a lot of african that are really racist against white people. Like one of my boys from nigeria said " you white people brought gay and HIV to africa" and he believed it.

"Muslim friends"

If they are true muslims they want to kill you as it stands in the quran. If you are friends with people that want to kill you then you have stockholm syndrome.

I know many muslims and the thing you are speaking about is the part that they havr yhe right to fight anyone who tries to stope them in practicing theire religion. I think you get it mixed.

Alot of muslims i know are not that conservativ and even drink, does drugs anf sometimes eat pork. The same as jewish people working on the sabbath. It is common, and i think you know this.

But if yoj really hate muslims i will certainøy not try to convince you otherwise. It is not my problem and i respect your feelings.

I grew up in a big city and when i was a kid we were many foreginers where i lived so i really dont have anything against them at all. But i know racist people and, well. I dont care what you believe. If you respect me i gonna respect ou! Thas my philosophy.

I quoted the Quran.

Here a source for you, instead of believing what they say or what I say educate yourself.

@valorforfreedom so why don't you quote equal passages from the Bible and act like all chistians are bad. Does that not fit your narrative? Oh, wait, Christians are "reformed". Really? Are they? You never heard of forced Vaginal circumcision that leaves christian women crippled for the rest of their life? THAT is happening today too. But those are isolated radical groups, not representative of the much much larger majority of Muslims or Christians.

But of course, you let yourself get influenced by radical thoughts and falls for their propaganda.

How are you not seeing that you are getting played? That radical groups use your weakness to influence you. If you would be smart, you would questions what radicals say, instead of eating it up.

Now look at you, running away and hiding in the black Forrest. You try to give yourself the illusion that you are in control, but actually what happens is that these radical groups have convinced you that you have already lost and now you are running for your life and spreading their lies for them. So weak! Man up! Read some books! Educate yourself!

Isent that taliban-dave in the video?

He an englishman actually.

But maybe it is in. Maybe it is ablut the translation. You are not going to convince me to hate all the people from the middle east. But i have no problem letting you believe or feel whatever you like. Its not my business how you want to live your life.

At least 99% of muslims i ever met wherr really nice loving people. Abd of course it was assholes among them. But i met many Norwegian assholes too.

One think i love about you is that you dont conw with any political corectness. That is one think i dont like.

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