in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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For more than a month now, I have been posting on Steemit on how one can be successful on this platform without the help of any bot.
In this my writeup I will like to explain some of the lessons have learned from my research on this platform and most especially the Steem community.

But firstly i will like thank my fellow steemians, my love ones that are always on alert to upvote my post each time i sent it to the world.
Previously i spoke about Data to be the most valuable resources in the future, so investing towards the future is the only way to make big money.

According to my research here are things have learnt, that i know will surely help you:

  1. WRITE BASE ON YOUR KNOWLEDGE (Talk only on what you know)
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    Its very good to write base on your knowledge because it shows how much you have learnt/study and digest that particular thing.
    Writing base on your knowledge is very useful on steemit because it helps to eradicate plagarism (copy and paste).

I remember when MMM just arrived,many people were ignorant of what the program was all about so they went ahead advertising, while the fraud were gaining, they were loosing, many people lost all their life savings in the process, just because they dont know much about the program.
I believe that,Steemit will someday worth billions of dollars and we will all have a stake in its success, just by working and earning Steem Power.
There are lots of things been write about on steemit but many of it were not an original work, they were copy from another site.
Personally I write a lot about you and I, since that is my hobby, because I always love to make my people happy in aspect empowering youth and also make them realising there mistakes and correcting them in the process.
But my education is in Geology, so much of interested mapping of any particular and locating old & new resources present in region.
By writing about things you love, things you passionate about, is better than going to another site and be copying their post.

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    This our brain has the ability to solve many problems, only if we can put it use. Critical thinking is what is mostly needed on steemit because it helps to develop a great post and a better way of solving any problems.
    Critical Thinking helps to create something Unique which many people are finding it difficult to do. For example, building a round shape tunnel in the middle of a water fall seems impossible but can be so easy when one can think critically.

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    Honesty is when someone is been truthful,sincere with he/she is doing.
    It is very easy to hide things from the other party and be dishonest, but as time goes on, it will surely reflect through your daily activities. It is therefore best to be completely transparent and write in the light of your inner truth.

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    You acquire more followers and become important when you are creative because many steemians will be eager to see your next post.
    There are many thing in which one can do to be a creative steemians.

  4. Design new thing

  5. Singing

  6. Dancing

  7. Contest
    And many more.
    I would advice you to find your inner creativity, think critically and make a beautiful paint of knowledge on each of your daily post.

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    What is required of you from steemit is a great research with a productive end. What you current need is to try a new thing and see if it works.
    Like my dad will say, "Rome is not build in a day" when you are on the right track you will surely know through the votes and comments on each of your post.
    So strive to do something new, put on the shoe of creativity and feed the world with it

Finally, I would advice all my fellow steemiains that are ready to make it big on steemit to make use of the factors stated above,by making their data work for them .
In addition, as steemit is increasing in population, so as the competition is increasing.
So, my advice to the my fellow steemians is that you shouldn’t save your best content for last, which means that you shouldn't allow your perfectionism to be the enemy of your productivity.


Nice article

Nice stuff, real informative, keep steeming brother

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