World War III –Is it really gonna happen? Have a look to my findings.

in #steemit7 years ago

World war 3 highlights the next possibility of global large-scale military chaos subsequent to World War I and World War II. Mainly, India and Russia are facing growing tensions. Different countries are weaponizing themselves in order to install a defensive, safe path along their territory. Some have applied it loosely to refer to limited or smaller conflicts such as the Cold War or the War on Terror, while others have operated under the assumption that such a conflict would surpass both prior World Wars in both the level of its widespread scope and of its overall destructive impact. However, it has remained a hypothetical world till now. But we now find numerous symptoms of third world war.

Because of the development and use of nuclear weapons near the end of World War II and their subsequent acquisition and deployment by many countries, the potential risk of a nuclear devastation of Earth's civilisation and life is a common theme in speculations of a Third World War. Another major concern is that biological warfare could cause a very large number of casualties, either intentionally or inadvertently by an accidental release of a biological agent, the unexpected mutation of an agent, or its adaptation to other species after use. High-scale apocalyptic events like these, caused by advanced technology used for destruction, could potentially make Earth's surface uninhabitable.  

Prior to the advent of Second World War, the First World War was believed to end along with the similar type of global conflict of such magnitude. But the belief of the leaders got broken shortly when Germany declared a first attack consequently giving rise to Second World War. The outbreak of World War II in 1939 disproved the hope that mankind might have already "outgrown" the need for such widespread global wars. 

With the advent of the Cold War in 1947 and with the spread of nuclear weapons technology to the Soviet Union, the possibility of a third global conflict became more plausible. During the Cold War years the possibility of a Third World War was anticipated and planned for by military and civil authorities in many countries. Scenarios ranged from conventional warfare to limited or total nuclear warfare. At the height of the Cold War, a scenario referred to as MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), had been calculated which determined that an all-out nuclear confrontation would most certainly destroy all or nearly all human life on the planet. The spectre of the potential of the absolute destruction of the human race may have contributed to the ability of both American and Soviet leaders to avoid such a scenario.  

However, according to the recent news, nuclear activities have already started in several countries like North Korea. As per North Korea, they will complete to build their nuclear arsenal. The hermit dictatorship of Kim Jong Un is quickly reaching full nuclear capabilities and is expected to conduct more provocative nuclear tests.

North Korea may be well versed in keeping their arsenal of deadly weapons a closely guarded secret - but there is one weapon in sight that could launch a horrific strike on Seoul.  

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That cruel, brutal and murderous dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong –Un, is not only a heinous tyrant but also an mentally unstable political character in his fiendish scheming with his hydrogen and nuclear missile weapons which he has now obtained. This tyrant much power mixed with his as irrational mind-set is a recipe for disaster. Since Kim Jong –Un has been able to turn his vicious pipe-dream of many nuclear weapons into a reality then this might be a disaster for the people of North Korea who are trapped and forced to exist in that oppressive tyrannical regimes of Jong –Un .Likewise, it would also be a disaster for South Korea as well as a disaster for Japan and a disaster for the United States. This then would also be a disaster for the world.  

However, many states are conducting recruitment of military power in order to stop terror stricken countries like N.Korea. In 1949, after the unleashing of nuclear weaponry at the end of WWII, physicist Albert Einstein suggested that any outcome of a possible WWIII would be so dire as to revert mankind back to the Stone Age. When asked by journalist Alfred Werner, what types of weapons Einstein believed World War III might be fought with, Einstein warned, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones". By inference, it must be deduced here that Einstein assumed that World War III would either exterminate, or else nearly exterminate the human race (presumably due to nuclear warfare). 

Lets all Pray for Global Peace. 

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Love, peace and respect 

Saurab shah 

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