Every single steemit account worth million dollars!

in #steemit6 years ago

To put it simple, I don't think so in most cases. Although the main motto we are here is to make some money, the design of this platform offers so many things beyond that single objective. Whether or not we are good at making the most of what we get here is a deep subject to put into discussion. I like to stick with the fact that we are being childish!

Steemit is the platform meant for fill up with quality by rewarding its producers. Since the platform is directly associated with the value in form of cryptocurrency, those who come here are mostly common citizens spread across the planet earth. Lion's share of them don't possess any special skills at the time of their arrival. Every skillsets are developed after being forced to survive on this platform.


Image Source-PixabayPixabay

A single account of real human on steemit is million dollars worth! When I say million dollars, I mean it! Which else platform gives you the opportunity to learn and develop your personality while allowing you to earn in abundance? Although I don't exclude the possibilities I assure you that such a phenomenon must be very rare! Money making thing apart, steemit is a platform absolutely revolves around one's personal growth. I'm constantly in touch with a number of people who complain about not being able to earn enough here. Some say they leave this platform out of frustration. I do neither endorse nor believe their words. Such a grudge is a pure psychological thing which I can prove to be fallible!

The inherent greediness and the battling mindset should most probably encourage all to stay here. But what happens here is extremely opposite. Why the reluctance?

People tend to easily forget their past. Even though majority of those who come here may unprofessional, they might not be inexperienced. They do know how to post status updates on Facebook, how to tweet, how to answer a question on Quora. Nothing new indeed. They are attracted towards steemit on the grounds of the slogan- Steemit is the Facebook where you can earn!. People come here believing it and on seeing no rewards for their first few posts in contradiction to what they see in trending page, get frustrated and end up with the decision of working less and eventually leave!

Personal growth assured

If you realise that you are getting paid for the same things that you do on Facebook and Quora for free of cost, you are never going to leave this platform. Even if the dollars you earn here are too less to be considered, mind that you are never going to make atleast half of that amount by spending your whole time on other platforms. So the decision of putting steemit into the dumbyard is something one for sure reconsider if he/she feels too frustrated!


Image Source-Pixabay

Many post random shits just for the sake of post something. It in no way helps them or those around them build anything in general. Even certain people have made it a point to post under the tag #shitposts and urge people to do as they wish. In my opinion such people shouldn't have come to steemit at first place. I would like to emphasize the point that the steem power stuck in such accounts is a curse for the entire steem ecosystem. No wonder boomerang raised quality issues when they interviewed @ned.

If you are determined to work hard and smart, then the steemit is for you. Next time when you post something, focus on improving the quality of content in comparison with your previous. There is no good way other than steemit to personally improve oneself!

So what do you think about the #shitposts? Feel free to comment here!

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