Steem most used Blockchain Worldwide!!! SBD to the Moon with 1.5M trxs a day

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hi fellow steemians

Today I wanted to talk about one of my last in time loves in the cryptoworld. I suppose we all have since we started in this new world, a first love (in my case EOS), a friend-zoned one (Bitcoin for me) and then the mistress (lol) which for me is #Steem and therefore Steem Backed Dollars or #SBD. Well for me my mistress seems to take the main seat and I will tell you why.

As steemians we all care about our profits coming out of the platform but for many SBD is not an investment at its own or we can not look at it objectively as something separate from what we do over here. Well my friend, you should and I will tell you why.

1. Steem as a Blockchain Protocol

Everything we do, likes, upvotes, follows, comments or posts, etc. stay forever recorded in the blockchain as you may already know. This radical new way of conceiving human comunication is giving slowly its profit to everybody which uses. If Steem will be in the future a new reddit, instagram or snapchat (ewwww) is to be seen, but the amount of users is growing exponentially each day.
More users means more transactions, and more SBD generated, there is no future for this new technology (#Blockchain) or currency (#SBD) if users do not adopt it or transact with it. For Steem this is not a problem, check the image below (thanks to @arcange for providing daily stats on Steemit users and much more)

Steemit Users.JPG

We see that the platform is by yesterday a 300K active users platform, with above 600K total users, counting those inactive (who by next time they check a price chart will turn active probably). All those 300K are active this means transacting and adding information to the Blockchain. This takes me to the next point, USAGE.

2. Steem Protocol Usage

A healthy protocol needs of a lot of active users, and to carry all those activities recording them real time, saving the information and at the same time transmitting it effectively, plus making transactions, you need a super Protocol, not like the one BTC has with 300K backlogged transactions and huge fees.
Well, #Steem may be called a savior and the next supercrypto or superblock, according to our friend @arcange on its updated charts, Steem has reached a steady network usage of 1.5M Transactions per day!!!

Steemit Usage.png

To give you some perspective, another superblock, Ethereum, the one who is used for almost everything related to ICOs, transmit payments faster than BTC (and, yap, also buy those stinky cats) has an usage of 1M transactions currently as per the chart below. (source

Ethereum usage.JPG

By now you should be considering move your ETH and other altcoin positions to SBD or Steem. But there is even more.

3. Network Usage

So one thing is looking at the amount of transactions, but the other really important is how stressed does the Network gets with that amount of usage. At the beginning of the year we were giving Hoorahs to having the same amount of transactions as ETH, not that we are 50% above it, let's check again how stress and capacity does the Steem Platform has.

Woow! We had a 1.8M trxs record a day, ETH is using 50% of its capacity to process below 1M, but Steem with 1.5M trxs is only using a wooping 0.13% of the max. usage

Steem stress.JPG

Again perspective is outmost important here, so in case you still do not see the point here, check below the pie chart among the most active blockchains worldwide.
Steem is the King of the Blockchains with a 40% of transactions running through our Protocol!

Most used blockchains.JPG

*Credits to #Blocktivity

4. Activity Valuation Index

Best of all is that #Blocktivity rates Steem as the most undervalued blockchain according to its AVI (Activity Valuation Index) a parameter that rates a protocol putting together its Market Cap in relation to its actual usage. The closer to 1 this AVI number is, the most undervalued it is in relation to its Market Cap. This is the case for Steem which with all that capacity and usage has only a Market Cap of 1.2Bn. Investor should be looking more at this page instead of trying to guess the long term trend of BTC.

5. Steem Backed Dollars Performance

As you know you have a lot of Steem currencies or similar, like Steem, SBD and #SteemPower (though this one can not be traded in exchanges). All the above usage has to be backed by a cryptocurrency to confirm transactions and provide an economical backbone to the Platform.
In the last weeks we have seen something truly amazing.. SBD seems to be unpegged from BTC. This comparative chart below shows how SBD is not only overperforming BTC, but also following its own path, it has even marked green days in the last days when all the other currencies where trading in red numbers. This is paramount since BTC looks to me in such an uncertain path that you need to look for an escape, if you haven't yet.

Market 22.01.2017.png

SBD vs BTC Performance in USD - Clear unpegged pair

From a trading point those who got SBD close to its low after the correction should be targeting to see the coin closer to its all maximum of USD 10.5 and if breaks above, a target in USD 11. So far the trading upward channel is respecting the fib retracement. Due to the fact we are at a 50% price from the ATH USD 14.88, transferring positions to SBD does not sound that crazy.

SBD view.png

6. SBD vs. Steem Performance

The two pairs are supposed to be pegged but this is not happening, could be explained by the disparity in the rewarding system, but for now the relation is of a 1.5x ratio. Steem looks to be trading in a similar channel to BTC if we see again the graph above, though is still outperforming BTC.

We can say that for the moment we should concentrate in the SBD as a coin, and purchase our Steems internally at the market price.

Market 22.01.2017 2.png

7. Conclussion

For all the above, I think a clear point was made (at least I hope so) and you should be re-investing those harn earned profits from other Cryptos into SBD, if you have also other non-performing investments you should consider buying more SBD in case you are new to Steemit and you have none.

For those new to the platform my best recommendation is to invest in your reputation and grow your Steem and SBD account, Steem Power is the best investment right now.

We have a growing community, Youtube latest demonetization policy is pushing creators to look for alternatives and Steemit is the greatest option out there, the network usage is huge and will grow with the community, and as the cherry of the cake take a look again at point 3 regarding #Blocktivity, we are undervalued with a price of above 7 USD per SBD.
Go out and spread the word about Steem, Steemit and SBD as an investment!!!


I don't have a lot of money in crypto and a large proportion of it is in Steem power right now. It was great to buy at $1. Wish I had woken up to crypto before and got in even cheaper but hopefully there's still lots of growth ahead.

It's really amazing to hear stories like this. Unfortunately, I didn't really hear about Steem till July and was pretty ignorant. Now, it's just trying to turn everyone else onto it!

I came as a ignorant, turn into believer, and now I want to be a Prophet for Steem :) I see we are the future, I bought at 3 and I am still really happy, I see a lot of upwards movement ahead.

Very interesting your article. I am from Venezuela and thanks to the cryptomonedas we have been able to stabilize at least at home since hyperinflation is drowning us.
So here the government is with the Petro Project as Cryptomoneda, have you heard about it?

Muchas gracias Maria, me interesa mucho el tema de Venezuela desde todo punto, el economico y social, cualquier pregunta cuenten conmigo para apoyarles a desarrollarse en Steemit. Te agradezco si puedes "resteemear" este post mio :) Saludos, Marcos.

Man, I love the enthusiasm! I haven't been investing much in it but I'm definitely will be increasing my investment ratios to this.

Thanks Roselynn for your comment, Steem was at 3-4 at the time of writing and now is going up, trading at 6.03 at the moment, I believe once the whole crypto Market starts gaining momentum again we will see huge gains over here.

I share with you friend everything you expressed in your publication I think that the steem in the future will exceed the price of steem dollar and even other currencies

Yes I am really happy about the forecast, is actually now on the way up!!! Please check also my last post on the Weiss rating, we are in the right place I believe! Thanks for taking a moment to comment!

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Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📉 7d
SBDSteem Dollars7.186$-8.61%15.33%

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 60991.51
ETH 3361.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48