Why does a simple copy/paste post make the same as an in-depth article?

in #steemit8 years ago

I have been posting here on Steemit since August and I have noticed a slight change to my experience of the platform recently.

My perspective

Now that I have over 200 followers, I am guaranteed between $3 and $5 on pretty much any post I make. Even the simple copy/paste quotes I have been producing on a daily basis in which there are no original words from myself, only an original photo with a one line description under it, like this one:

Swimming with Manta Rays off the coast of Flores Island, 2016. Taken on an iphone in waterproof case.

Yet when I post an in-depth article like the one I made a few days ago, announcing the ongoing development of the #dailyquotes tag, taking much more time and energy to produce the post, the payout is the same.

You can see below the two shots I spent time we re-working to fit this article and promote the Steemit brand:

The time and energy involved in creating each of these posts was dramatically different yet the payout the same.

So, what does this mean?

I noticed a post by @ebryans the other day posing this same question in a different way. Something along the lines of 'where have all the big voters gone?'

I cannot say for sure what this means, but I can say for sure that it is putting me off creating more detailed, in-depth, thought provoking articles.

Perhaps someone could shed some light on this situation for me?

Many thanks for your time.



It's likely that a certain percent of the votes you get are automated so anyone set up with a bot or service to automatically upvote your content will upvote everything you post.

On a separate note, I think until there are more users on the platform (and you have more followers) you won't see huge differences in what individual posts make unless you get lucky and a 'whale' upvotes you. Like any other blogging platform, you'll have to build up your following over time. The difference is that you have the additional possibility that steem will one day rise greatly in value.

Thank you for your valid input. Happy to see this has made you more than my average post :) In truth, I posted for years tirelessly on Youtube & Facebook, hoping to make a living from it and am in no position to complain about my current situation. Was just curious to learn more and the many interesting comments here have helped me with that. So thanks again... and back to building that following I go :)

Yeah, I think that falls under the "lucky" category :). But I guess it also points out one more advantage this platform has. You can be rewarded for commenting and curating and not just posting.

In my opinion it's not just about the money, but the quality you would like to see associated with your brand (blog). I wouldn't ever publish something below my possibilities, not even if they paid me well. In the long term quality will succeed.

Bam. Nailed it. Quality posts will get you followers, vapid posts will lose them.
Forget the pennies, the real long term asset here is followers.
You resteem esport crap or post innocuous clickbait, you'll lose followers hand over fist.
Imagine this is a big meeting, and only speak when you have valuable insights to add.

I loved the meeting analogy! That's it!

Thanks both for your input. My faith has been restored and on I go with the next in-depth post ;)

I was hoping for an in depth post about in depth posting. My latest post touches on this a bit. Find the right intention and do it for you, not rewards or votes. Those should be secondary, though I understand you plieght.

There is no question that I enjoy the creation of every post, long or short. And I don't do it with payout in mind. Just the energy of the moment. I was simply looking for the reason as to why? I will check your post on this subject now. Many thanks.

I found when I don't worry about the Steem I perform much better. My commitment is to post every day for a year. If people vote me up great, if they don't great. My goal is to provide content that I normally posted on my now defunk personal blog here.

I make an effort to provide value to the community. Yes, I do the social media for the brand but my commitment is much more than that.

Here is an intro video I made today for the community to use. It is just something I enjoy doing.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the platform. I think what you are doing is AWESOME :) And when I finally get round to cranking up the video making department of my current Steem Machine (I am a film-maker by trade) I will be sure to use one of your intros. And give credit where credit is due :)

Preach it brother.

If you did not see my related post to this last nite that gained a lot of traction and is 100% in line with what you are saying here, please have a look.

It means people value both posts the same amount. So, do whichever you want -- easier or more personal

Thanks. Quite often I start out with a post telling myself that it will be a short one because I must get more sleep, yet three hours later I'm still writing it! But that is because I love doing it and I guess there is nothing more important than this :) Long or short. Who cares, as long as the creation process is fun.

sometimes, i feel similar. also wonder why some my lesser effort post gets more than my bigger effort ones. :-) i think it may be just the timing of whales availability.

I think you may be right. Have been trying to figure out when is the best time to post here in Bali and it would appear that the middle of the night works best, which can make life a bit tricky at times. Especially when you have young kids!

It's been suggested to me (in Singapore time). my best time is 2100h to 2300h but I done past midnight.

By chance I think we are in the same time-zone. Interesting! I will try that time and see how it goes. Thanks :)

You're welcome. Good Luck.

yes #dailyquotes is needed....was just thinking about this subject this afternoon ...:-)

Excellent! Get in there my friend. We now have a #dailyquotes feed on steemit.chat too, so make sure to post there. You will be the first besides me! But in time it will grow :)

Ok it's done....let it grow !!

Great! Yes yes yes... GROW!!!! :)

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