Fake steemit site: please DOUBLE CHECK the steemit URL sent from other steemians to you for upvoting,some could be a trap

in #steemit7 years ago


we all have different people we help with upvotes on steemit and when they send us links, we just upvote without checking if the link is actually the right one.

the screenshot below is a very good example. as you can see, my steemit profile loaded well and you will think its just a normal steemit website, but the "T" was replaced with "L" making it "sleemit".


please avoid logging into your steemit with your password, alwasy use posting key . just add your password only when you want to transfer and dont save the password on your browser when you are done transferring.

big thanks to @enolife for alerting me



If you use a browser extension such as LastPass to manage your passwords, you will be totally immune to these tricks because it checks the url programmatically.

I guess i have to try this

I'll try that now. Thanks @demotruk

@samstickkz. Thanks for the info

you welcome boss

dark times in the cryptospace.

we just need to be careful. losing funds ain't funny

This is useful information. Thanks for bringing this to our notice.

You're welcome @essiential, you can resteem so others will know about this

I'm doing that right away boss.

Postingan bagus dan sangat bermamfaat good job

Hey man, thanks for sharing this.
I'm more wary of the kind of links some steemians sent to my DM.
This tells better.

Thank you!

This is serious. And they'll be sending me different links for contests and others. This is really an eye opener

Ayam telling you, you just need to cross check before clicking

Is there a collection of fake steemit sites?

maybe i will make one

Scammers everywhere.....
People be looking for shortcuts to succeed..
Thanks bro for alerting us....

shortcuts always leads to more problems

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