What I Hate About Some Steemians!

in #steemit6 years ago


I am sure you are curious to know what I hate about some steemians, in the course of molding this post, am actually going to spill them out, even rant where necessary so as to accomplish the purpose of initiating this very write-up!

Though greed is displayed virtually everywhere, for a fact it is inevitable in our world, greed is displayed in different ways by different people, am sure you would agree with me fellow Steemians.

Sad to say, some have seen Steemit as a platform to get-rich-quick right from the point of signing up.
Though, we all are excited that Steemit as a decentralized block chain reward us for our quality contents depending on the area individuals have chosen to feature, in contrast to other social network that do not reward their users.
Without being greedy many have gained financial freedom or victories as a reward of their consistency and sincere hard work in the community, you know such like ones right? Am sure you do and the list is endless.
Now, let's nlighten ourselves on areas where greed is displayed;

    A user (probably a whale) who upvote comments made on his post generously on the basis of his voting weight and judgment. By virtue of being greedy, a commenting user might not have even read the post properly but you see comments (not even replies) of such ones appear more than once consecutivetly and you also see such ones initiating multiple replies on the comments of other commenting users unnecessarily.

A typical example of consecutive comments by the same user.

Then you might ask, how then do such ones manage to make comments? What such ones need is only a line in the post and they use their discretion to form a comment (funny, right).
This is done to get more reward payout at the end, why on earth for God’s sake would someone act in such a manner, isn't that absurd? A little deep down, such ones won’t care to click the upvote button to appreciate the post on which the greedy user is merry-go-rounding on and to add to these, such comments do not always come out real and sincere.
Then if the steemian whale decides not to upvote for a while for reasons best know to him, such greedy one(s) would stop commenting on the whale’s post. Isn’t this crazy?
Do you think such steemian whale would be happy if he discovers such greedy intentions? Putting oneself in his shoes, I guess the GOLDEN RULE comes into play here- Do to others what you want others to do others.

Note: The words earlier analyzed do not nullify replying comments in post if need arises.

    Another frivolous way a user could display greed is by operating on more than one account on the platform. It is hard to discover or fish out users who hold more than an account, but I would give you an idea of how such user(s) operate.
    When such a user makes comment(s) on a post of another user (a whale) who generously upvotes, the comment is upvoted by another user who hasn’t even featured in the post either by upvoting or commenting, he is not even a follower.
    Let’s look at it this way: Is it possible for a user who has neither commented nor upvoted the main post or who isn’t a follower now singles out a comment, then upvotes?
    If tactically viewed, the account is held by the same user who has the upvoted comment. Are you surprised about how it is been analyzed (smiles), please do not be, because it does happen.

    Am sure you anticipate my definition of the above mentioned.
    When a user (probably a whale) announces or declare that he will do an airdrop of upvotes on the basis of promoting charity. Greed would incite some to claim to need help even if they do not.
    I would sight an instance here: @damarth occasionally organizes charity airdrop of upvote programme for beneficiaries in and out of the steemit community who really do need help called #OneMealaDay.
    Some who do not need help, neither for themselves nor other persons would act as if they do really need help
    This is called greed, falsifying their identity (claiming to describe themselves as persons who need help) Unworthily claiming upvote not sincerely needed, therby blocking the way for those who truly do need help. Though I have benefited from this charity programme organized by @damarth, this is because I’m truly in need of it.
    I share the same sentiment with @damarth would always say and I quote:

…if you comment for personal greed and you are not deeply in need…you are taking money from steemians who really need it to stay alive and should be ashamed.

Having pin-pointed all these, I would want us all to have this and to especially those who are concerned, they do know themselves vividly without need of being told.
It would be of a great benefit and importance to take to heart the admonition of a wise writer who wrote:

An inheritance obtained first by greed, will not be a blessing in the end’.

At this junction I bring my pen to a halt!

If you like this write-up, you could simply make comment(s) to appreciate and simply bring your thoughts and views to my understanding.

With regards,

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