Improvements I need in SteemIt #1 : Favorite Posts

in #steemit7 years ago

I have been using SteemIt for some time now, and I have noticed that there are some features I am missing. So, I decided to write a post whenever I notice an improvement I need. I hope that this would reach Steemit developers. I also think that other websites that are built on the steem network would also benefit from those suggestions. I have been following two such projects lately:

I need a "My Favorite Posts" Section

steem pinned.jpg

I read a lot of articles in SteemIt daily. I like some of them (and upvote them). But some articles are so important or so beautiful that I would really love to pin them so I can come back to them later. I suggest that we add a Favorites tab in the homepage of the user.

What do you think? Do you need this feature too?


Use esteem app. It has bookmarks.
Can be used as a partial solution. It works. At least to me. Better then nothing

Thank you @onealfa for mentioning that. I actually do not know what esteem is!
But since it has a bookmark feature I will search for it.

That is an APP for smartphone, tablet. Look into googles play store. I HAVE NO IDEA if this is also on IOS. I am an exclusive Android user.

Aha! I got it! Thanks.

I an exclusive Android user.

Me too :)

I have found it :
It has a version for Android, and another version for Apple.

I agree! I think even having just a list of upvoted posts would be enough!

You are right, @lyonsolntsev. We need that too.

Yes, I need this feature too

I ask admin to add something to show and notifying that someone is following me , like in Instagram then nobody will advertise that I follow and follow me back and nobody will call them spam and ignore those humans and calling them bot.

I am not sure I understood your point, @davidfar.
Are you suggesting another improvement which is notifications about new followers? Did I get it right?

Also, what did you mean by this :

nobody will call them spam and ignore those humans and calling them bot.

I meant , I saw some people hate of some other people who write comments like : follow to follow , I say : just add a Notification and make people love each other not hate and calling their comments spam and downvoting on them.

Yes! That is a very good point!

Wonderful suggestion, keep the good work

Thank you @zacksilver.

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