The FIRST Steemit crew gathering at PUNJAB (PAK)!

in #steemit7 years ago


Hello steem it users,

I am here to tell you about the very first gathering and inauguration of STEEMIT PAKISTAN TEAM and the squad behind all these arrangements.

TEAM MEMBERS: @rusha , @haseeb.steemit , @shehbaznawaz , @usmanalishah , @saadmehmood


MAIN THEME: The main theme of this event is to celebrate Independence day of Pakistan, as well as the very first meetup with the guys who are using steemit and are very much interested in its dramatic influence.


LOCATION: This event took place at Sector F-8 ISLAMABAD, the most beautiful city of PAKISTAN. We arranged the event to boost ourselves up and "let the Pakistan know about Steemit and the power of crypto currency".

ARRANGEMENTS: Arrangements included decoration with balloons, flags as well as we arranged some food items to cherish our stomachs :D


TIMINGS: The event started at 10:30 am in the morning, and ended at around 1:30 pm. That 3 hour session was proven a very useful for me, I learnt a lot of things from all of them and will try to implement those in my further stories to improve my content writing and elaboration skills.



That's it, we will soon try to arrange another event to cover those aspects which we missed during this event. See you then. Good Bye Steemers.



我在这里告诉你关于STEEMIT PAKISTAN TEAM和所有这些安排的班级的第一次聚会和落成。

团队成员: @rusha , @haseeb.steemit , @shehbaznawaz , @usmanalishah , @saadmehmood

主旋律: 这个活动的主题是庆祝巴基斯坦的独立日,以及第一次与正在使用steemit并对其戏剧性影响感兴趣的人聚会。

位置: 这个活动发生在巴基斯坦最美丽的城市F-8 ISLAMABAD。我们安排了这个活动来提高自己,“让巴基斯坦知道Steemit和加密币的力量”

安排: 安排包括气球,旗帜的装饰,以及我们安排了一些食物来珍惜我们的胃 :D

的时间设置: 活动于上午十时三十分开始,下午约一时三十分结束。这个3小时的会议被证明对我来说非常有用,我从他们中学到了很多东西,并将尝试在我的进一步的故事中实现这些,以提高我的内容写作和制作技巧。



Very impressed with your meet up group.

Wow nice, the event was a huge success. @saadmehmood Please do a deutsch version as well 😄

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