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RE: If Steemit were to get hacked, would my funds be safe?

in #steemit6 years ago

well someone made me doubt for a moment there i missed a bit

but i was only incomplete in my assumptions and ramblings there

an extra layer of security would be awfully nice, yes but that would mean all passwords are stored on a remote server, which gives way to local access hackers , its always something, the only thing so far i can see is spread assets over different passwords and yea

if it weren't underpaid as bad as a kid in china fabricating iThings for about the same amount of hours a day being on and hovering around i should maybe think about change my name to


:D ... i fear there's not much else to do without a massive cash injection or selling your soul to the whalegod than grinding like a biblical farmer until you pass that point on the exponential curve (hopefully before i'm 90 lol)

fish will have a whole different meaning since that day, truly and really :p:p:p


the reward is in patience keep on truckin don't forget it's an exponential curve the more you have the more you make so... knowledge is power here more is better, myself i have to make adjustments like everyone else this all seems to take longer than anticipated but then again you kinda never know whats around the corner in next act and it would be nice if it was a pleasant surprise for once :)


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