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RE: Friends but still fell alone..

in #steemit7 years ago

Firstly ...thnkuu and
Yaa you are right ..for coming out from this situtation meditation helps a lot but sometimes it just needd a little concern and have a big conversation with your friends is enough and have understandable friend make it even more good ..noo noo i m not in this sitution .i was but just for a very little period when i wrote this ...i have one rule in my that i dont expect from others too much ..because they may dissapoint u ..i think if everyone follows this ..they don't even will came in this situtation.. but its difficult


You're very welcome dear :)

And yes, having understanding friends by your side is possibly the greatest respite to experiences of depression and anxiety, save for actually overcoming those circumstances itself.

As for your own experience, I'm glad you're out of it, even if it was only for a while. Stuck in that tunnel, a few months can seem like an eternity, and years can bleed into lifetimes.

Regarding your rule, I actually have a similar M.O myself, except that I am often more than willing to give a person a chance to prove themselves (isn't always a guarantee, but everyone deserves it, and when the odd anomaly does prove themselves, its extremely heartwarming and rewarding), but failing which, I always make sure I have a backup plan in case I am let down by whoever it is I am relying on.

I have a crew. A group of friends, who...without hesitation, would lay down their lives for me, and one another. A commitment I return. We've even observed this firsthand. I'm telling you this as someone who has had no friends, fake friends, and real friends at different stages of his life...when you have real friends, people who trust you implicitly, and who you trust implicitly, the idea of not trusting others or depending on anyone but yourself all the time seems outlandish and out of context. You can actually draw strength from placing your trust and faith in their hands.

Believe me, the day you find real friends...this will make a ton of sense. I know it might not right now, cause it wouldn't have to me back then either, but its the truth.

No one should have to fight life's battles alone. Just ain't right. Everybody needs help sometime or the other.

Yaa its true that we have to give a chance to others to prove themselves that means we are judging them according to over suitability and if they didn' t pass we reject them ,is that right , for me not dont mind it please because every person is different( on thoughts )
I agree real friends are hard to find ..if you got them please buy a cage and lock them..😂😂😝 jocking ..if they are real they never leave you and viceversa ...but due to some reasons they leave that doesn't mean you can' t get other, you just have to wait for the correct time and place . This world have huge population be positive and think positve
This might also help one to came out this situation...

Yeah, I get that. The world is now more diversified than ever before...gotta make room for all of them.

And yes, I always buy a cage and lock people precious to me in them for good measure and later use. Wouldn't want them running away or escaping now. Safety first, y'know? XD

Also that's does hurt to hope, but hope is one of the most human emotions out there. We gotta stay true to our emotions, or we risk losing our humanity. Our humanity is what lends us the resolve to deal with situations like these.

Yaa right humans can't control their emotions but can control their breathe ..what i learned yesterday while attending seminar

Yeah, control of breath is key in regulating biochemical balances and flow of prana (or chi/life force energy) in the body. Keeps the body toxin free. That's what a lot of the yogic pranayamas are about; regulation of breath.

The myriad of health benefits is quite vast indeed.

Also, what seminar was it?

Sorry its my mistake was not seminar ,its was guest lecture on art of living which was one of the part activity of NSS

Ah, I see.

Still, pretty good that you were able to pick something like this up there.

Yaa no one can' t fight the battle of life alone ,everyone need someone to be with them to enhance there confidence ...but we should also learn to live alone and handle our problems by our own

Which implies the need for balance. There are two quotes I've heard that summarize these individual concepts beautifully...

"It is often better to be with no one, than to be with the wrong one, for sometimes those that fly solo have the strongest wings."

"Absolute solitude is a treasure a great many seek, but which none can withstand."

My girl came up with the second one btw =D

But yeah, we gotta be able to look out for yourself when that's what it takes, test our survival of things. But for the most part, ride with a crew who got your back, and have theirs too, fight the battle as one, comprised of many.

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