Central Banks Signal: Market Correction Coming?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


Photo Source: newburghgazette.com

Are You Prepared For The Market Correction?

Global debt levels have climbed to a record $217 trillion, a new study shows.

Article by ForexTime The well-orchestrated hawkish remarks by a chorus of central bank heavyweights this week have punished global stocks ...

27th Jun 2017 Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank spoke of ... “a co-ordinated shift by developed world central banks in a hawkish tone signaling that cheap money from the bankers may be coming to an end.

Janet Yellen, chair of the Federal Reserve, will testify on the U.S. Economy 12 July 2017.
The Federal Reserve said on Thursday it would release its semiannual monetary policy report on July 7, five days before Fed Chair Janet Yellen testifies to Congress. In a brief statement, the Fed said the advanced release would allow members of Congress and the public time to review the report before Yellen's appearance.

So why the RUSH to hike interest rates this year?!

With inflation reportedly low and wages showing little sign of an upward surge, should the Federal Reserve be raising interest rates?

Many career professionals in the markets think not, including the Fed's own Minneapolis branch President Neel Kashkari .

I sense the central bankers are preparing for a big event, I don't know what the event is but we are WATCHING and asking you to be prepared.

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