Posts On Steemit Are Now Getting Shorter & Shorter

in #steemit7 years ago

The red arrow above is pointing 'Post'. Long ago that was 'Your Story', and was changed to Post. It means that creating content on Steemit is no longer emphasizing on blogging or telling a story or discussing something or elaborating more. We can 'post' anything we want either posting just a video or 'meme' or a single picture then hit the 'Post' button. People are quick now, trying to directly point out the important thing and not just discussing everything and turning the writing into a boring conversation.

I also noticed those big earners now, when they just started they posted long contents and posting 4 posts or more daily. When they hit the peak level, they slowed down. They used to upvote and make comments manually. But now, some of them already  created bots in upvoting. There are those who focus on creating contests and helping others and seldom I saw who posted good contents. Can we still see good contents now?

For stability, will Steemit survive? Are bots created daily and still growing would help grow the steemit community, upvoting contents automatically without knowing its value? Most bots I noticed were auto-upvote bots.

Overall, Steemit is growing and helping many people. My hope is to make this community more stable and more VALUABLE!

Steem on!


true talk steemit is fast growing.

Yep. And the Alexa Rank is fantastic , global rank 1694

I notice posts which only contain a (copy and paste) YouTube video or meme, make 50 times the money I make with my posts. Is this all because of upvote bots? I don't know.
I mainly worry about how the quality of posts seems to go down every day, while the creators of rubbish are earning loads of money. I'm afraid this is going to cause the death of the SteemIt platform...

Its for the money. I hope and we hope it won't @mike314-0005
What can we do about it being the little ones?

The robots up voting is ruining Steemit.

Yep. Money maker robots. Maybe robots that would read the content and understand its value would be fine I guess, will it happen, a genius robot? Lol! Upvote robots on steemit only upvotes it automatically and that's all.

Nice article , very nice pictures, thanks for sharing this post. Realy like

I notice the same thing. While I do not believe every post needs to be long, I do believe that effort should be applied. A lot of people take advantage of loopholes to skip content in return for popularity and profit. This should be stopped by the Steem community

Yep. Hoping for the BEST for Steemit Community!

Of course if user use zappl. It short blog.

Mostly a link is attached. But we're seeing a quick and short content in the future. A lot of blah blah blah are actually wastes.

Thank you! I will be here also. As I grow I will try to give back to the community myself.

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