Will SteemIt Take Advantage Of Facebook's Data Breach Scandal???

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Facebook is facing a multitude of questions by its investors about how its user data was used for political purposes. Claims made by the New York Times and UK media is stating Cambridge Analytica tried to influence how Americans voted using information from 50 million Facebook without their permission.

An undercover TV reporter suggested Cambridge Analytica was prepared to use bribes to create videos for clients it could then post to the internet to influence voters.

Facebook's business model relies on more than 1.4 billion of its users to engage with the platform every day. If the end result of this scandal is stricter data protection or people are less incline to share their lives online, that would hurt Facebook's revenue, hurt Twitter, hurt Instagram and other social media platforms. The stock is getting hammered and almost 10% in 2 days in anticipation of the consequences.

NOTE: Facebook has been caught multiple times censoring, manipulating and taking advantage of its user base for political agendas.

The concept of digital currencies is the future of money and finance. Steemit users can generate income through content curation. Steemit is not collecting personal data and then selling it to third parties. Each Steemit user has the opportunity to invest in startup with immediate ownership.

So the question remains, will SteemIt take advantage of Facebook's data breach scandal? The answer is the computer screen is staring at the person responsible if SteemIt is going to take advantage of Facebook's data breach scandal.

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