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RE: My Journey Peeling back the Economic Layers of the Steemit Onion...

in #steemit8 years ago

very well-written.

the financial dynamics behind the Steem crypto model is a bit complicated, though you've done a great job of helping simplify & break things down to grasp more easily.

keep up the good work. content like this is valuable, as it helps people understand the system better.


Thanks for such an encouraging comment. I've been working on just what that economic system might look like in the future. What ive written is far too technical and I need to break things down properly into analogies people will understand. Hopefully I'll be able to get it out this weekend or the next.

Keep at it. The community needs vision like yours - and articulated in such a way as this, to help others see and understand the vision. It will help alot to bridge the gap between here & there - enabling others to fill in missing pieces in their understanding and see entitely new possibilities for what can be built out on this platform.

And give me a head's up when more writing like this comes out of you, as stoked to read... :-)

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