
Incredible post my friend. One of the best text I have real this year. You transmit how difficult is the money management and brain management in this crypto crazy world. And you know really well what does blockchain means. Thank you.

And thank you for the feedback, it is truly appreciated.

Do follow for more - I hope you will continue to find what's to come just as, if not increasingly more, valuable... 💗

Boom! 2 in a row, what a great combo to read. Thanks a bunch for the lively read, great insights and openness. Ride on! Thrive on! Steem on! Namaste :)

Am sure there is more where these came from on their way... ;-)

Glad to read that you are excited about writing again. It certainly is motivating when the rewards are there.

t'is. though also quite interesting that once there, the dollar value almost loses its meaning - just becoming a sort of score card, whereas the bigger reward is simply being able to play the game...

It certainly helps the growing of a discipline to have a little dopamine reward occasionally. The discipline itself though is the real prize.

Jim Rohn would say, "The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become."

well put. (both perspectives.)

I am a writer, too. Can't breath unless there are some words being written. Love your commitment, passion, and those photos, especially that last one. May I reuse that? I voted and I am following! Keep it up! Mahalo!

Sure thing. I snagged them from Pinterest, so don't really have any right to say no... ;-)

Cool, brah ;)

Great read, I truly dig your writing style and I found this to be very motivating!

Certainly need to follow you to read more.

Your feedback is appreciated. Hope you'll continuing digging what keeps coming out... :-)

I'm getting back into it too. Feels good!

I got into Steemit two days ago, and it's completely disrupted my sleep schedule. I also find myself writing about ten times more without intending to write at all. It's reassuring to see my own experienced echoed by someone who's clearly a long-time and well-respected member of the community. But you didn't stop there, you inspired me even more, which I'm not convinced is healthy for me at the moment. But thanks.

Hahaha... happy to inspire, though hope you can squeeze in enough sleep go stay sane... ;-)

I believe posting on Steemit is an addiction. What else would cause me to get up at 4 AM to blog, write down notes and ideas throughout the day while I am at work, and spend my lunch hour typing away at my laptop? I've even seriously considered calling in "sick" just so I can Steem all day.

ha ha... could end up replacing your job, if ya dad - so might not be such a bad thing in the end... :-)

Nice post. Love the picture @ the end.

Great post and amazing photos. Location envy!!!!!

Pinterest... ;-)

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