Who is the smiling girl with sunglasses in Steemit?

in #steemit6 years ago

Steemian and who ever access Steemit must seen a picture of a girl that smiles with sunglasses. Anybody know who is that girl? Who is she? Please take a look at this picture, maybe you know her:

I am curious. Her sweet smile, charm looking face, she makes my heart happy. Then I searched to find out.

First, I found this girl on this link, and I saw that girl over here:


Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 11.28.54.png

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 11.29.24.png

Second , I saw that sweet girl also inside this link:

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 11.33.49.png

Third, I tried to do more research and again, I found this girl on this link:

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 11.35.34.png

Fourth, from that link then finally I can see the whole picture of that smiling girl. Here is the link:

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 12.01.16.png

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 11.46.44.png

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 11.47.11.png

The girl smiled with those sunglasses in portrait by Seth Doyle. Who is Seth Doyle? Here's the guy:

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 13.51.39.png

Hi i'm Seth Doyle a 22 year old that has a great passion for art, drawing, photography, film, and pretty much anything creative. I graduated from Highlands College in Birmingham, Alabama where i've grown up my whole life until I graduated. I currently live in Jacksonville, Florida with a job at a church called Celebration. I am a filmmaker/ photographer full-time. I have a very big passion for photography and hope to do it full-time eventually and travel the world. Source

Though all of that picture is free, it is better to write its source as recommended: Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash.
Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

But, what is her name, where is she, is she Steemian? It is still a mystery. Do you know her? @ned @steemitblog @xeldal @z8teyb289qav9z @bhuz @adamkokesh @fotosejarah @seer @ssin @swissclive @kylemacmac @agar etc.


Siapakah Perempuan Tersenyum dengan Kacamata Hitam di Steemit?

Jepretan Layar 2018-04-18 pada 11.26.53.png

Siapapun yang memiliki akun atau pernah mengakses Steemit pasti pernah melihat foto gadis/perempuan tersenyum dengan kacamata hitam. Tapi siapakah wanita itu? Adakah yang tahu siapa dia? Anda mungkin? Hasil penelusuran saya (lihat link-link di atas) ternyata perempuan itu hasil jepretan kamera dari fotografer Seth Doyle. Foto yang berada di Unflash itu memang gratis, tapi sebaiknya tetap perlu dicantumkan sumbernya. Jika ada yang tahu, menarik untuk berbagi informasi tentang gadis manis berkacamata hitam yang tersenyum itu. Hasil terjemahan ke bahasa Inggris dibantu oleh @akbarrafs dan @mariska.lubis.


I’m pretty sure this is my neighbour Severina. Unfortunately she’s already 29 years old and still has never had a boyfriend, but she does have a very pretty girlfriend (but not like you think - she’s just another lonely girl trying not to be alone).

Anyway she’s only interested in finding a man who will love her, marry her, and have babies with her. Just an ordinary guy with a job, who doesn’t beat up women will do. If he doesn’t live with his mother, that would be a bonus. Looks aren’t important when you are 29 and still single. Any country or continent is fine.

Unfortunately round here all the good guys are gone, married, or in a relationship. It’s tough if you reach this age without getting hitched.

Anyway, I guess she will have to stay single unless some miracle happens. Or maybe some steemian knows a nice single guy?

Just in case I made a mistake and this is not Severina, apologies to both her and the girl in the picture. Severina is still looking....

Thanks for this story. I became imaginative. Want to meet Severina. Take a walk with her. Heard the story. And, invite her to share the story in Steemit.

Thanks, you're so kind, willing to share stories. Hopefully the girl in Steemit is Severina. Maybe I'll make a story, or a poetry. Sorry this is google translate result.

Hi @rismanrechman. I told Severina all about you. She is very excited to meet with you, walk with you, hold hands with you, share intimate secrets about her girlfriend with you.

She said your looks are no problem. She has a question. Do you have transport? A motorbike would be fine, but if you don’t have that, even a bicycle made for 2.

Oh no... wait a minute. She just saw from your profile below that you are 61 years old. She insists her man must be aged below 60. Sorry about that, but she thanks you for offering.


Above profile says you are 1 year to old. Max age is 60.

Hahaha a cool imagination. Greetings to Saverina. Say, I have a boat, can sail like a fisherman.

For a long time it could be a novel. The title is "Severina."

Ide Bang @rismanrachman mantap tenan ya. Sampai-sampai si gadis manis berkacamata itu dibahas. Tapi penasaran juga sih siapa dia dan apakah dia sudah punya akun steemit atau belum ya...haha

Kali udh tahu ya? Jangan2 berteman pula

Nah itu Bang...Siapa tahu dia salah satu follower kita....hahaha

Belum terjawab ya bang, semoga dijawab, saya juga penasaran ini jadinya :D

Kadang cit ngon ngoen droeneuh han?

Ha ha ha ha.. Koen bang hai.. :D

Iya sring liat dia bg, mungkin dia artis steemit bg😁 @rismanrachman

Terlalu banyak soalan yang tak pernah terjawab di dunia ini, Bang ;) Gambar di atas mungkin salah satu dari misteri dan soalan yang tak terjawab itu, tapi kenapa saya tidak pernah terpikirkan hal ini ya????

Itu karena hatimu, mendua hahaha (canda)

Penasaran aja atau pake banget bng? 😂😂😂

halah, ikan ikan ikan haha

Kacamata hitamnya keren bang, hehe

Iya ya, mau pinjamlah

Apakah abg memiliki nomor Whatsapp wanita tersebut?

Ndak boleh dibagi katanya

Wish they got rid of it...spooks me out every time I open up.

Hahahahahaha... apa betul umur Atok udah 61?
Hahahahahaha... Thidak naik kethawa kitha...RAR61.jpg

Tapi keinginan Severina untuk ketemu Atok sungguh 'Ehm...' punya.

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