I do not understand about Steemit account registration yet. Please help.

in #steemit7 years ago

Hallo Steemit Perkenalkansedikit tentang adik perempuan saya bernama Susan amelia , saya ingin bercerita singkat tentang kehidupan adik saya, dia seorang mahasiswa di perguruan unsyiah jurusan Hukum. dia seroang wanita yang tegas dalam mengambil keputusan  berani dalam menjalani setiap kepercaan yang siapapun berikan kepadanya, sebenarnya saya ingin menceritakan lebih panjang tentang kehidupannya.
langsung saja dari permasalahan yang ingin saya tanyakan kepada semua Steemian yang ada.
adik saya ini  sudah 1 minggu mendaftarkan akun baru di jejaring  Steemit, tapi sampai sat ini belum juga ada tanda di terima oleh pihak  Steemit, apakah ada yang kurang? saya kurang paham.
dikarenakan saya baru di Steemit ini, saya tidak tahu   tentang kenapa sampai saat ini akun baru adik perempuan saya belum juga di terima.
Saya membuat Postingan ini supaya ada seseorang yang bersedia memberi penjelasan atau keterangan kepada saya tentang pertanyaan saya.
jikalau ada yang memahami jangan sunkan sunkan untuk membalas postingan yang saya buat ini.

tolong bantu saya
Salam Steemit INDONESIA.

Hallo Steemit Introduce a little about my little sister named Susan Amelia, I want to tell you a short story about my sister's life, she's a student at the university of Law majors. He is a woman who is firm in taking bold decisions in living every slogan that anyone gives to him, actually I want to tell you more about his life. Just get out of the problem I want to ask all the Steemians. My sister is already 1 week to register a new account on the network Steemit, but until this sat there is also no sign received by the Steemit, is there any less? I do not completely understand. Because I'm new in Steemit, I do not know about why until recently my sister's new account has not been received. I made this Post so someone would be willing to give me an explanation or explanation about my question. If anyone understands do not sunkan sunkan to reply to this post I made this.
Please help me.

Best Regards Steemit INDONESIA.


Are you waiting for Steemit to confirm the screenname that you registered for? If so, I would check the spam folder of the email you registered with. The confirmation email with confirmation link from Steemit could have ended up there. After you submit for a new account and verify with the code(mine was through text message on phone) Steemit sends, then Steemit will send out the confirmaton email. It may take a few days but a week seems a little long from my experience.


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