Steemit 101 - Using Markdown to liven up your content

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Markdown basic guide

This guide is something a lot of steemians forget about or they overlook because they are too lazy to learn how it works, if you want to be successful on Steemit you need your posts to look professional and be presented in a way that is easy to read. People are more likely to read something that is broken up by headers, includes bold writing and italic for quotes.

I'm not going to go into the complex stylings of markdown right now but I will give you the basics to help you enhance your articles from a massive body of text and into a stylised trendy article.

All you will need to know for now is: Headers, italic, bold, bold italic and placing links.

Let's teach you this according to how you are going to write your post from start to finish.


So a header is exactly what you see above this text, it's a title for the next part of your post, it's very simple to do and breaks up your post with a little more style.

Headers can be written in a number of different sizes and is inserted via the 'hash' key #. To insert a header type # then a space, then your text followed by a space then #. The more # you use the smaller the header text size will be, 1 # being the biggest size. Here is an example of the some of the sizes you can insert.

# Header #

## Header ##

### Header ###

Italic, Bold, Bold Italic

There will always be times you want to highlight some of your text or insert quotes etc. into your posts and this is very simple.


In order the make your text italic simply placing a * directly before and after your text without any spaces.

E.g. * Italic *


In order to make your text bold simply place two ** directly before and after your text without any spaces.

E.g. ** Bold **

Bold Italic

In order to make your text bold italic simply place three *** directly before and after your text.

E.g. *** Bold Italic ***


Next you will learn to place links neatly into your post for example nobody wants to see a messy URL like this in your post instead it looks better when you can just click here instead, agreed?.

Again markdown is very simple once you use it regularly so in order to place links as I've shown you above first you enter the text you want to use for the link, I used 'click here'. You place that text inside [ - brackets.

E.g. [click here]

Next you want the link you want to be directed to so copy the link you want to use by highlighting and either pressing CTRL+C or right click and copy. You place the link directly after the square brackets in rounded brackets ( ).

E.g. [click here](https :// steemit. com/@rickyjrx)

I obviously entered spaces in the link to prevent it from appearing on this guide as a link so just directly paste the link in. If you did it right you should get this:
Click here

No you will have no more ugly URLS all over your post when you want to link to something!

I'm not going to boggle your minds with anything more complicated than that, their is a lot more you can do with your posts like

  1. Lists
  2. Lists
  3. Lists




And so on and so on, there are so many ways to liven up your posts and make them attractive. For a full and complete guide to markdown check out:

Markdown Ultimate guide

For some of my other help blogs check out:

As always feel free to reference any of my help guides in any help posts you may be writing yourself!.

Image source


You can also create some tables as such:

| Row Head 1 | Row Head 2 | Row Head 3
| ------------- |:-------------:| ---------:
|Content 1 | Content 2| Number Sthing
|Content 1 | Content 2| Number Sthing
|Content 1 | Content 2| Number Sthing

The result is this:

Row Head 1Row Head 2Row Head 3
Content 1Content 2Number Sthing
Content 1Content 2Number Sthing
Content 1Content 2Number Sthing

The second line with the dashes tells markdown if you want center, left or right aligned.
The :----: Is supposed to make it center-aligned, but for some reason it's not working!

Oh theirs loads more to markdown but just giving the basics here for beginners, they can read the ultimate guide to learn the complex stuff.

Oops, didn't notice the "Basic" in the header. :|
But yeah, there are tons of markdown features :)

People may use your table too though so thank you.

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