
I've been here about 7 weeks and I make 3-5 posts a week and about 30-50 comments a day. I noticed I have more sp than a lot of other people of my reputation and age. I'm pretty sure it is because I get drips of money from those comments all day long most days. I think all that comment money is always in sp.

I was trying to do more posts - but they get little attention so I thought the comments would pay off better. I'm still not sure but very interested if you have advice. I know that building up the sp is important and I do not have money to invest at all.

It's hard to keep making big technically challenging posts that take such time and then no one sees them. So in the last week, I have started doing a lot of promotion of my posts in about 5 free places. I hope that will pay off.

The most important thing for me as a content creator with a brand is to get the Alexa ranking and be seen by people I try to help. I found out that none of my posts will be seen by search engines until they make $10 in the first 7 days. So this is now a goal among the many I have in this complicated place :)

When I began on Steemit I posted 4-5 times a day. I commented occasionally until I began to accumulate friends and also as I scrolled through the posts If one caught me eye, I would upvote and comment. That's how I did it. Others have approached things differently... there are some that don't post at all- only comment. I enjoy writing, so that's why my approach is as it is. Don't worry about making money or getting maximum exposure just yet- that's the best advice I can give. It's a building process... just keep cranking out the best content you can. Eventually someone will see it and resteem- that's where I think the best exposure comes from, but it takes quality. That's my focus- quality and although I don't try to fool myself into believing that I'm a good writer- I do the best I can.

Well, I definitely have friends! I grow my following on any social media platform as soon as I can and so far I have close to 800 followers so I feel good about that. I couldn't use my feed after about 50 followers - I use the feed in steemnow to find posts with the filters over there and I am so thankful for that.

I'm a writer and photographer, so for the most part I have posted into challenges and contests just so someone might see what I do. I got the advice today to make templates for my posts and I think that will help. I am not a fast worker, unfortunately.

Thank you so much for the advice and congratulations again - very inspiring :)

Thanks... I tried a template program but couldn't figure out how to use it lol! I'm not a computer guy, just a hack writer- to me this is just a glorified typewriter!

I dabble in photography... I found an old Canon EOS Rebel in a box of junk. I got some B&W film (remember film?). I need to go out and get artistic.

Good for you - that would be fun - I was a film photographer for years and I kind of miss it. Now I take 200 photos and use one.

I'm not good enough to use a real template either. I'll just set up the post outlines in a word file and copy it - low tech is me :)

I tried to find it but I guess I deleted it... I know it began with a C.

lol - worse than me, I see. That is rare.

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