One Year: A Steemit Success Story

in #steemit7 years ago


I'm closing in on a year on Steemit in a week or so and I wanted to share my experience with new people and minnows. I began this journey after watching a video on High Impact Flix (I encourage you to check them out either on YouTube or here on Steemit at @highimpactflix). I've always liked to write and admittedly may not be very good at it yet, but I am getting better. After 3-4 months writing on Blogspot and then hearing that Steemit pays for content, I decided to give it a shot.

Last November, when I began, the price of Steem was way down- not that it mattered... I had no idea what cryptocurrency was anyway- although I had heard of Bitcoin. To me it was just play money, like you use in Monopoly. I wrote article after article, spending hours at my computer. About a month or so in I figured I was making about 15 cents an hour... Not much, but it was imaginary money anyways and it was 15 cents more than I was making on Blogspot.

Then a miracle happened, I made $5.00 for one post. Little by little, my account began to grow- by April it hit $500! All along I saw posts from people that were in trouble of one sort or another and needed money- so I gave. Out of my first $200, I probably gave half of it away... One group, for example, fed the homeless and needed a new refrigerator- so I sent half of what I had... It wasn't like real money. I still help- there are several worthy people on Steemit that need help and I give what I can. This is something that I can't stress enough- Steemit is more than just a social media platform, it's a community... or perhaps I should say that there's a community within Steemit. My advice is become part of it- if you're on here only for yourself, you'll miss out on an incredible experience, you're only cheating yourself.

One day I wrote a post called Smedley D. Butler: The Man That Saved America- I made $25.00- I had arrived. It had taken 5 or 6 months, but things were looking up. It's easy to become discouraged- I know, believe me, I still get discouraged... It tells me I'm not working hard enough. But, if you work hard and have patience, you too can succeed. The problem is everybody wants instant gratification- the "quick buck." If you're one of those, save yourself some time and effort and go back to Fakebook- there's nothing here but disappointment. I see too many people on here begging for upvotes and followers- that's the wrong way to get ahead. If you consistently create content with at least a modicum of quality, the followers will come. When I began I posted 4 or 5 times a day.

Now after nearly a year I have over 1880 followers- I don't put a lot of stock in that- followers come and go. What I do put stock in is the reputation number and I'm finally closing in on 70. Now I'm able to pay my rent ($400 a month), feed myself and my dog and have a buck or two in my pocket... I started with nothing. I'm not saying any of this to blow my own horn, only to give new people hope. I'm not that good of a writer yet, but I'm able to make a living. You can do it too... but only if you're willing to work hard for it.

I'm @richq11 and this is my Steemit story

GIF by @papa-pepper


I'm just starting out and not even sure I understand how everything works yet, but it's interesting to see what some people like you have accomplished in a year. All the while being able to touch the lives of others through content. Inspiring!

That's the beauty of it- you don't have to understand how it works... it works. Actually that's good, just focus on content- look for your niche. Everybody is good at something.

This is kind of a cool success-story, Rich! Thanks for sharing it and bolstering up our newbies.
I wish you continued succes, my friend! Have a great day!

Thank you my friend... I think it's important for new people to see that they can make it too and that begging for upvotes isn't the way to get there.

Absolutely correct, Rich! 👍🏻

Congrats on nearly a year!

This is especially good for the new folks. I would agree yes the money is real. Yes the work is hard, if you are only here for the money. Its is fun if you are enjoying what you are doing and not looking at it like work. As in everything, it a matter of perspective.

Thank you my friend! Sorry it took so long, I just watched 12 O'Clock High. I'm trying to have a day off... I have to edit my book over the weekend (252 pages) so I'm trying to rest up!

Nice to see someone doing it right and making it work.

Your labors and your generosity are an example for the rest of us.

Thank you my friend! It's important for young people to see that a little hard work never hurt anyone!

I must say that STEEMIT gave us hope in life and that somehow life isn't so hard after all if we could just have some chance and Steemit and cryptocurrencies gave us that @richq11
And also thank you from the pit of my heart from all your donations and support Sir, you are really a good person.

Thank you my friend! You deserve all I give and much more... I wish there was more I could do.

Well done and well deserved! You are one of the first people I started to follow when I joined and it was amazing to see just how much effort you put into it! Very inspirational, too - as in the early days I couldn't believe just how many hours people like you spend online!
(By the way, hope you're feeling better!)
And - Steem on!

Thank you... I'm starting to feel a little better. This is one stubborn tooth, I'm afraid it'll have to go!

Very inspiring post. I liked the paragraph about the community, that is the feeling i experienced when i joined a little less than a month ago, and this feeling remains. I just hope it stays that way when Steemit gains even more momentum! The world is what we make it, so i will try to do my share to fight for that spirit.

It was a lot different when I joined. Back then it was almost all quality content creators and unfortunately that's changed. They started pushing the social media aspect advertising it like Fakebook only you get paid. People come on with unrealistic expectations and start begging for upvotes and followers. Needless to say that kind of pisses the people that work hard off- they're only hurting themselves.

Keep the community thing in the forefront and you'll do well. Like you said- the world is what we make it. There's no perfect world, but people like you and other community spirited people can make it better- Steemit is a microcosm of the rest of the world!

Thank you! That gives me perspective and hope.

I too want to help out the community and be here Just N Case someone needs me!

Then you're going at it the right way... just produce the best content that you can and support others.

Congrats - you have come a far way - hopefully in a year's time I will also be where you are

Your rep is 61... You're almost there. I don't pay much attention to followers, they come and go. Out of 1890 I may actually know 200 of them. I was going to post this under steemiteducation, but it's not strictly about education. If you're in with them, you'll grow quickly- they're great people.

They sure are and I say thank you every day for them

I was contacted by someone that claimed to be a young artist who was going to illustrate my children's stories (That's what's been holding them up) But I don't think that this person is on the level. I guess I might as well get to writing them and use stock pictures.

I think that will be more than ok - we all do it - it is in any case more about the story than the picture - although for some of us who actually reads hahaha

I hate looking for pictures that are similar, I want exact (I'm a perfectionist at heart!)

O yes that can be a problem - but just find one and let us enjoy your stories

Ok my dear... I have one today!

Congratulations, @richq11!
What a lovely, inspiring post... you're right, it's about community, not the money....I think that's something we all need to remind ourselves of from time to time.

One thing I learned is that being a part of the community is what makes the money happen... Thank you for your continued support, I'm happy that you're a part of my community!

Ow, that is so sweet! Thank you! I'm happy that you're part of my community as well. I hope you're feeling better :D

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