Back To Normal Please

in #steemit8 years ago


For the past week or so nearly every post on my feed has been about what's going on with the Steemit platform. It's nice to see things beginning to level out a little, but I still miss the "cat pictures." When the posts about Steemit drop below 50% I'll figure that the force has returned to normal. I know not what course others may take, but I shall stay the course!


Here ya go buddy 🙂
A metal Great Cat!
Happy St. Paddy's 👍

That's great!

May the force be with youin it:)

And with you my friend! ;-)

Been staying focused myself, but I gotta agree with you there. I for one am optimistic though.

I'm planning to stay around here-- I like this place, and I'll also be happy to see things return to some semblance of normal. I just want to create content, not get embroiled in internal politics... but it seems unavoidable (at least to some extent) in a venue like this that's largely community driven.

Me too Brother! I really like it here and have had a lot of fun and met a lot of great people.

These cycles have happened a few times. It will pass. They will happen again. In fact I think we've crested and are on the other side of that wave already.

That's what its beginning to look like to me too.

I just write what I write and to me that's right!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Me too...Like they say- you plays your cards, you takes your chances. Looks like things are starting to return to normal though and that's what I like. I want to read interesting stuff, not complaints and projections!

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