I can't wait for Steemit to launch into other types of platforms

in #steemit7 years ago

YouTube has been making some changes and it will affect many of their affiliates.


Here is the notice YouTube recently sent out;

"Tougher standards: We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes. We’ll begin to roll this new treatment out to videos on desktop versions of YouTube in the coming weeks, and will bring it to mobile experiences soon thereafter. These new approaches entail significant new internal tools and processes, and will take time to fully implement."

I'm not advocating for hate speech or violent extremism on Steemit.

Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying here. I'm not looking to turn Steemit into the dark, back alley of the internet. What I am advocating for is a platform where free speech is respected. A "controversial religious" video, for example, shouldn't be blacklisted by YouTube simply because it offends a group of people. If these types of videos were actually a problem YouTube would delete them and ban the user, not just relegate the videos into a realm of obscurity.


Steemit should be a place for free expression of thought.

While there are many quotes I could reference, I think Dr. Ron Paul said it quite well;

"We don't have the freedom of speech to talk about the weather. We have the first amendment so we can say some very controversial things."


How long until Steemit launches their own version of YouTube?

I know there was talk, from the beginning, about how Steem's blockchain technology could replace not only Medium, but Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others. My vote is that they start with a video hosting site with the ability to generate massive revenue for Steemers and compete with YouTube. YouTube's censoring of videos may be the crack in the dam we are waiting for. Hopefully, other Steemers who are interested in promoting these new endeavors will continue to speak up about the massive opportunity before us. Shameless plug for @voronoi, @hansikhouse, and @hitheryon, the team behind @sndbox, an incubator for Steemit and Steem technology. We need more community members looking to help create and further the opportunities before us.


Well said, Rich! YouTube has gone a bit overboard with this IMHO. For example, I have a video called "Stop blaming all Muslims for the actions of a few." I expressed some very middle-of-the-road opinions here, like judge people as individuals. I even got some negative feedback on it for being soft on Muslims.

So what does YouTube do? They demonetize it as part of this very "crackdown" that you describe. It makes me wonder if all discussions of controversial topics, even those expressing moderate opinions, are going to be discouraged on YouTube now.

Here's the video, in case anyone is interested:

In general, tho, I would hate to see Steemit become the platform for free speech. That's too general. Communities need a tighter focus to become successful IMHO. The lack of any kind of community management/leadership IMHO has hamstrung Steemit's potential.

Sounds to me u may want to be in the lookout for MegaUpload2 by Kim Dot Come. People will be able to download what they want and get payed in Bitcoin for every user view. Not to mention they will also be providing sharable links to be added to Steemit post. Which will be a win win for video creaters and The Steemit community.

I think you understand what I'm hoping for here. The problem, perhaps, with another MegaUpload is piracy and a government agency coming in to close them down. YouTube has measures in place to help, although not eliminate, piracy. For the most part, YouTube is for content creators.

I would hope to see the Steem blockchain technology enable a platform for content creators who want to make Steem dollars for their work, and not worry as much about censorship.

Thanks for the upvote!

Thank you for the info, and I hope you do not mind but I resteemed your blog,(my first resteem).

I always appreciate an upvote and a resteem! Thanks!

I think I have mentioned the youtube problem in three or more comments recently. The announcement of taking the free youtube video editor away has small youtuber's in an uproar.

Please, Please, Please, go head to head with youtube! If I could wave a magic wand and make it so....I would have a video platform with a free state of the art editor right in Steemit.

No need to have a separate login and password. Tips direct to the creators based on viewer interest. Not corporate interests.

Ahhh, what a nice dream.

The opportunity for Steem to be channeled into other social media platforms is there. It may be a dream for now, but we can do it! An awesome editor built right into the platform would be amazing. Great suggestion!

Thank you! Something to strive for.

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