5 Tips to reduce frustration by low rating on steemit. Read it now.

in #steemit8 years ago

To be honest, at the moment i was mentioned about the idea of writing content on a social network and be paid

by a vote of some people, i have to say, it sounded really exciting.

Without thinking it too much, I decided to create the account and start inmediatly in steemit. At the beginning of my journey in steemit, I could see a lot people getting amounts of money for their differents contents. They had different themes in each post, politics, sports, business, cryptocurrencies, etc...

People who was already popular in the social network, for each post they were ascending in the network, they made amounts of money (which i think is totally great for them). 

This led me to have the wrong idea that would be easy, a mistake thinking that something highly rewarded is easy.

Here, in my personal opinion, 5 tips to reduce frustration in steemit and keep looking forward.

  • Number 1: Don't take anything personal. 

Come on, probably people that comment on your posts do not know you, or will not meet you in the near future. So, why worry about what they say?.

Submit the content you want, without fear to be criticized by others. Defend what you know, and question what you do not know. Speak with total freedom is one of the things that makes steemit so great, take advantage of that.

People are different everywhere, that doesn't mean they are right in their own opinions, maybe i like rock and you like Bob Marley, i don't know. That is why you should never take anything personal, you are fine just the way you are.

  • Number 2: Writes for yourself, for fun.

One of the things be cause usually some writers have been frustrated, is because they strive so much (including me) in impress other writers.  

The truth is that we never really know when a content would please them or displease them. I therefore recommend writting for yourself, write about your own interests as if you were the reader. As I said before "defend what you know and questions what you don't know".

I am a fan of this social network because it rewards you for writing topics of your interest, and I think that's the essence of steemit. Few opportunities are as democratic as this.

  • Number 3: While most scribes, have more possibilities.

I had some friends who write very few articles a week, and are frustrated because those few articles do not receive high rewards.

So I say, is a matter of statistics, while more you write you have more possibilities to earn money. The pareto law can be easily applicable in this case, 2 of every 10 written articles give you 80% of your benefits on this social network and everything.

Write anything, write about the first theme that comes to your mind. Develop it, I do not think that there is some bad article, because i think that every writer always has something good to say whatever the topic is on the table.

Already posted then is matter of everyone if they like it or not, but once more, don't take anything personal.

  • Number 4: Not criticize more successful writers, on the contrary, glad about their success.

Many times in the trendigs we can see publications with high amounts of money of certain popular writers, @dollarvigilante tends to be one of them that constantly you see among the top 10 paid in the day. So why envy their success? people need to stop doing that.

Something that I've realised is that these writers have with him some popularity since before beginning to write on steemit. Which is to say that they have been in a long time in the process of  social networks, so really no one has given to those writers anything. I personally whenever i see an article very well paid by each of these popular writers i'm glad, because as always, the merit the effort ongoing is very well rewarded.

  • Number 5: Understand that everything that is worthwhile takes time.

In one of my previous post about leadership, i spoke about a law of this issue, the law of the process.

Every project that we undertake in our life requires a process, a process of constant improvement to achieve excellence. And steemit is not really far from this concept, because as you're posting more things, you will be getting more skills to be a better writer, and therefore people will find more difficult to ignore you.

The problem is in getting depressed and leave it before the good things start to happen. If you want to know where the problem lies, you need to stay longer. Write articles of high reward is a process, which, of course, takes his time, but, at the end of the day when you receive the rewards, you wont regret about taken the long road.

So the next time you think about quit, remember, all that is worth takes his time. That's why not everyone are successful, if it would be easy, everyone would do it with no problems and no frustration. 

So to conclude, I want to encourage you to continue to submit content and continue gaining great experience.

Follow me if you liked it, @ricardotorres


excelente articulo, muy bien

Yes, nice posting, you give motivation to other people in steemit. I know about
@dollarvigilante, many whales on steemit give flag to his posting, that's incident make me worried about whales in steemit.

Actually for me it is very difficult to write on steemit. Why ? because English language not mother tongue, so I have make hard effort to write in English but I know something good will be happen.

Anyway, thank you to give motivation and inspiration to me ... :)

Simply Great Information and Presentation

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