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RE: So You Wanna Be Divisive? Bring It.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Flagging this post is your right. You can do with your stake as you wish. I'm disappointed in you, as well, for condoning the abominable behavior at MSP--I sat in the radio audience today so sickened by Clayboyn's endless dropping of sexist memes that should have appalled every female in the audience, yet somehow didn't. I was so disgusted by it I could barely concentrate on Pennsif's show. I tried to share a screenshot with someone, and the meme was so trashy and NSFW that Clyde-bot would not let me paste it. Yet that is the gold standard your group represents? In that case, you can have it. Lock, stock, and barrel.

As far as TWB, you haven't supported us for a long time. Even though I was spot-on about Sammo, which you guys eventually figured out for yourselves. It was pretty disappointing to me even then that leadership there let themselves be conned for so long and minnow users preyed upon to such a degree. We tried to tell you. But apparently the well-being of mere minnow users wasn't enough reason to act.

I'm not after drama, Ausbit. I actually want the drama to end. But there's more drama coming from your camp at a ratio of about 5:1 than there has ever been from Cork's side of things. But either you're blind to it or deliberately choose to not acknowledge it. Whatever the case, this is the first time I have spoken publicly about any of the problems. Yet apparently it's such a burr under your saddle that you can't just say, "welp, that's her opinion and she's entitled to it." But like I said--your stake. You can do with it as you wish.


I'm not sure if you know what a meme is... but I didn't drop any memes during Pennsif's show. If you are referring to the twerking gifs I dropped during the previous show that wipgirl was hosting, perhaps that's a little out of context and unrelated to the show you were there for and... not actually on? Either way I sincerely don't give any kind of a fuck about your self righteous horseshit and judgment. I'm not trying to impress you, I've never spoken to you, and if you're fishing this hard for some kind of relevance or attention from me, well here it is. Enjoy your moment in the self induced semi limelight of a post that got paid promotion and still had no one give a shit about any of you or Cork's back and forth (seemingly rehearsed) conversation about a group that neither of you have been relevant in for like a year. As Julia said, I hope you find whatever you're looking for with this witch hunt of yours and then all of you and can get on with your lives and find peace. Feel free to provide any evidence of anything you think people don't know. I'm not hiding and the fact that you think any of us are hiding or runaway is absolutely comical to me. For someone with so much "inside knowledge" about things, you'd think if a picture of a woman's ass offends you that you wouldn't be in business with someone CURRENTLY cyber stalking and harassing a woman. Have a nice life.

Flagged for blatant tiny dicked lies clayboner.

You are a fat disgusting sexist, misogynist slug of a little man with a tiny penis, according to the bathroom walls in your cesspool clique clubhouse, so crawl back in it and suck on the drain pipes, slug boy. Also, get some cough drops, your voice on a radio sounds creepy as fuck.

Proof of "cyber stalking" or sit the fuck down you fucking lardass, good god the things ive seen that YOU would say to her and yes there was a time when it was repeated to me. I happen to KNOW how long you've disgusted her and she's tolerated you but hey, I ENJOYED our time together before her tolerance of people like you and assgrown were the REASON we ended up fighting and parting ways so suck it lard ass, I know the REAL truth. And you only DREAM of the things I shared with her. So dream on little boy.

The fact that you seem so sure of who I'm talking about says it all.

Of course we know who you are talking about, there are real damn few people who don't know the other 3 people on this team are married and that I was once involved with a PAL mod fairly publically. So um, yer a real sleuth there peon pally?

Flagged for just being captain fucking obvious? Moron.

Yes. Those gifs. It doesn’t matter which show, Clayboyn. It’s just a really bad look for a group of people supposedly operating in the best interest of all their members, not just those with a sexist fixation. Also, I find it interesting that you commented here, seeing as how I did not tag you. Y’all must be watching this post like hawks.

Nice deflection.

Deflection of what? I’m perfectly on topic with my original post.

No wonder you guys are still talking about this shit a year later. If you had any kind of communication skills you would know how to directly address statements made in a comment that you were clearly baiting out. I'll just add you to mute now too since you just want to play games. Again, I sincerely hope you all can let go of whatever animosity or entitlement you are holding onto and stop trying to triangulate me into you're drama with this self righteous fuckery and virtue signalling.

Flagging for being a creepy fucking fat little slug.

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