How to "Quote" on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

This article demonstrates how to make a quote in the traditional style of email and forums, with a line or lines to the left of the quoted text.

If you're trying to add some "style" to your articles on Steemit, there are some choices from hypertext markup language (HTML) and markdown language (MDL) that you can use. Each of these items is called a "tag"; the one before the text is an opening tag, and the one after the text you're styling is a closing tag. Certain tags do not need both as they are self-closing. Tags within <> are from HTML. Unfortunately, those of you who have studied HTML and MDL may be frustrated because only certain tags from each work. Here are a few that I figured out for you, although I STILL don't know how to underline. In each article, I'll share some tips for you!

This is actually one of the easiest, least problematic, features on Steemit!

For quotes (with a vertical line or lines to the left), use the > at the start of the paragraph; each greater than symbol will result in another "quote line" on the far left. The quote will end when it hits the end of the paragraph (wherever you put an enter, in other words).

This is how you do it.

>This is how you do it.

Multiple ">"s creates the nested quote.

>>>>Multiple ">"s creates the nested quote.

You can have as many sentences as you want, or even just a single word, in your quoted material. Most of Steemit's MDL should still work for you, ### except headers ###, and HTML should work, too! Satu, satu, aku sayang ibu. Dua, dua, aku sayang ayah. Tiga, tiga, sayang ade kakak. Satu, dua, tiga, sayang semuanya! Cicak, cicak di dinding, diam-diam merayap. Datang seekor nyamuk: HAP! lalu ditangkap.

>>You can have *as many sentences as* you want, or even just a single word, in your quoted material.  Most of Steemit's MDL should still work for you, ### except headers ###, <em>and HTML should work, too</em>!  Satu, satu, aku sayang ibu.  Dua, dua, aku sayang ayah.  Tiga, tiga, sayang ade kakak.  Satu, dua, tiga, sayang semuanya!  Cicak, cicak di dinding, diam-diam merayap.  Datang seekor nyamuk: HAP! lalu ditangkap. 
If you need multiple paragraphs within the quote, use the paragraph or div tag.

This will allow you to have quotes with unbroken lines.

>>>>><p> If you need multiple paragraphs within the quote, use the paragraph tag or div tag.

This will allow you to have quotes with unbroken lines.</p>

Unfortunately, once you quote with the paragraph or division tag, it doesn't seem possible to turn off the quote function, as you can see, so I only recommend it at the end of your post. :(

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