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RE: What Happened to the Power Up and the Upvote Options on New Posts?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

50/50 is the best choice when SBD has increased above the price of STEEM. I think you are looking at it backwards! As of the time of writing, it would cost you $1SBD for only 0.826 Steem. Why would anyone NOT want to power up 100% when SBD is not worth anything? When SBD is higher than the price of STEEM, you have more buying power! Looking at your recent conversion history, you paid 16.482 SBD for 14.023 STEEM... that's like trading two M&M peanuts for one plain M&M! (Not a good swap!)


I think you are confused. Let's say a post has a payout value of 10$ after 7 days. Your author reward is about 75% of that so 7.50$. Now let's see how much value you will get out of this post with both payout options.

100% Steem Power
That's pretty straight-forward, it's the value you should get so 7.50$ (~2.27 STEEM)
50% SBD / 50% Steem Power
SBD is distributed as if it was worth 1$ (it's hard-coded in the way the Steem blockchain works), knowing that you can make this simple calculation.
(7.50$/2 * SBD price) + (7.50$/2)
= (3.75$ * 2.67$) + 3.75$
= 13.76$ (~4.17 Steem)

Except for one thing... you are confusing STU's with dollars! Go HERE to learn about STU's vs. $$. Consider the difference: with the 50/50 option, you get SBD directly as half of your rewards, but you get your Steem Power at the current market price of STEEM, not in absolute numbers. Given all that, I'm not sure why you are adding +3.75$ back in the second function of the equation - = (3.75$ * 2.67$) + 3.75$ which is the amount expressed as SP (at current price of SP in USD), and should not factor in to the value of SBD's.

STU's don't really exist, it's even said on the link you sent me. The value you see on a post is in hardcoded SBD's (the ones that are worth 1$ and that your link calls STU's). That's why I used dollar signs, to help you understand. Besides, your link validates what I said, it has the same calculations as the ones I did. Just put 10 STU's in the "total potential rewards" field and you will see that for yourself.

If you don't want to believe me, fine I won't insist. I just wanted to help you understand how both options work so that you don't unknowingly lose money. I've been coding Steem-related apps for months now, I know for a fact that it's expressed in hardcoded SBD's on the blockchain. Just look at the "pending_payout_value" field here, it's expressed in hardcoded SBD's not in some made up STU's.

In both cases Steem Power is given at the current market price of STEEM. However, while SBD is given as if it was worth 1$, STEEM is given based on the current market price (well actually the median of its 3-days market price).

Nowhere does it say that STU's don't exist, only that the values are not expressed in dollars. The valuation of SBD seems to be the problem in the equation and not the math. A SBD is NOT worth $1 on the open market. Assuming it was, this conversation would be a moot one. Go to any exchange and see how much SBD you can buy with $1 vs. how much STEEM you can get for that same dollar. If I were to go to market today with my 17.525 SBD's, I would only come away with 14.30 STEEM units. A few weeks ago I was getting 1.35 STEEM for every SBD traded.

The term STU is a made-up term to simplify the understanding of the subject by non-tech-savvy people. I much prefer calling it hardcoded SBD because it's what it truly is but for the sake of it, let's call them STU's from now on. We both agree that SBD's are not worth 1$, however there is one thing you don't get. The code doesn't reward the SBD's the same way it does the Steem Power. Yes, for the Steem Power reward it looks at the market price but not for the SBD reward. SBD's are rewarded on a one to one basis. So for 10 STU's of author rewards set to 50/50, you would get 5 SBD's and "5 divided by the Steem market price" Steem Power. That's 5 SBD's and about 1.6 Steem assuming the Steem market price is at $3.10. That would be a total in dollars of $16.96 with the current price of SBD (2.40$ at the time of writing this). For the same 10 STU's of author rewards but set to 100% SP, you would get "10 divided by the Steem market price" Steem Power. That's ~3.23 Steem, which obviously is 10$. Now tell me how a return of $10 is better than a return of $16.96 ?

A simple way to avoid such a lengthy discussion would have been to look at the rewards of a 50/50 post, that's what I did. Here are my rewards on a 50/50 I posted a week ago, you can see that I got $8.91 from author rewards.

Here are my claimed rewards. 4.455 SBD + 1.573 SP (with Steem at $2.83 on the open market), which completely validates what I'm saying.

If I had set the payout to 100% SP, I would have gotten 3.15 SP. By trading my SBD for Steem instantly (without even waiting for a good trade), I got 3.40 Steem. Add to that the 1.573 SP claimed from the 50/50 rewards and you get 4.973 SP. I don't know about you but in my world 4.973 SP is more than 3.15 SP.

You can do that experience anytime by going on this link which is a reward calculator made by a Steem witness. Hopefully you understand this time, my only goal was to make you not lose money. Steemit explained that they moved the payout option to settings because it was an advanced feature, I know understand their decision.

Have you edited your comment since ? Didn't see the part where you mentioned the +3.75$ before. The left part of the equation is the SBD split of the reward, the right part (the + 3.75$) is the SP split of the reward. The equation was simply (50% SBD) + (50% SP) but read my last comment, it contains everything you need to understand. Cheers !

Yes, it was edited for further clarification on my confusion of your formula. But, now that I am even more confused, I want to thank you for taking the time and for such a lengthy explanation. I guess where I am lost is on the conversion of SBD to STEEM. I have my toggle set to 50/50 and have for some time, but it seems I would be gaining more to 100% power up my rewards rather than receiving only .83 percent of the value of STEEM when converting (since the current purchasing power of SBD is so weak... in relation to the price of STEEM). I guess what I'm trying to say is that it seems like it would be better to receive 100% of the current value of STEEM rather than wait and convert later and get less. On the surface, it just seems like a loosing proposition. Maybe I just need to increase my prescription! 😜

Okay, I just worked up several scenarios (50/50) and it does appear that at current SBD/STEEM ratios, the USD value received (after conversion) is still the same, except that the SP received would be the bonus. So that leads me to another question: Would it ever be a good time to use the 100% power up option?

Not really in my opinion, that's why I've stopped 100% powering up my posts when I learned how the author rewards were distributed and how the Steem blockchain was dealing with SBD's. Basically, even if SBD is worth 1 cent on the open market (which is an apocalypse scenario in which I would have run away from this blockchain), it will still be convertible to Steem as if it was worth $1. That's because the blockchain doesn't care about SBD's open market price and gives it a value of $1 at any time, no matter what. Let's say that you have 3 SBD's and that Steem is worth $3 in that catastrophic scenario I mentioned above. You would be able to convert those 3 SBD's for 1 Steem through the blockchain (not through the market) even though they are truly worth 3 cents on the open market. You won't ever see such a scenario happen of course since this converting mechanism along with other mechanisms prevent SBD's price to fall too low under $1 (the minimum I've seen in a year was around 80 cents). The "convert SBD to Steem" option has been removed from Steemit to avoid people getting a bad trade on SBD with its current price but when SBD comes back to $1, I'm pretty sure it will be added back.

It all makes me wonder why SBD's even exist at all, since it's STEEM that drives this blockchain. Anywho, thanks for helping to clarify and I will observe this more closely in the future to get a better understanding of it all. Though I still understand the conversion from SBD to STEEM should be conducted in a more timely fashion for increased leverage. Peace, out.

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