Important announcements - or: Im online

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hi. My raspberry Pi used as IPFS-node is online. I might soon have to perform some maintenance to make this a longterm solution with enough space in the long run, at most that might cause problems for a very brief amount of time, im doing anything in preperation for this being mostly automated.

Either way, the following is


Ive gotten myself another account, @retardgamer-live. It is NOT for livestreams (not primarily anyways) but to add the videos to dtube. The reason being, while some might want to be informed about everything someone pushes out, others will only be interested in a portion of that. Thats why i barely if ever subscribed to a lets player. I might want to see this and that series, but all the other clogs my timeline up, too.

I see the solution to this connundrum- as well as the natural lack of for instance playlists -to have this account, mostly editorialised, anouncements regarding new or future projects as well as links to all episodes of one series in a single post. Furthermore, on @retardgamer-live i will tag my videos firstly with something like #retrardplays(gametitle) so that you can just search for all videos with that tag (and indeed, there are apis proposed to spit out playlists based on selecting one tag and the user in whichs videos you are insterested in). After im done with one project, you can then find direkt links to each of the videos in a post here.
So, those which want immediate information regarding a new video, head over and follow me on @retardgamer-live. The others can wait here, i think that serves most interests best.
I will later - likely when im sure my node runs reliable without further work for a long time which could be tomorrow - publish a last video on this account for the case someone happens to look JUST at dtube and will start adding videos to @retardgamer-live likely today, otherwise early tomorrow.
Early relative to me, i dont know where you are.

It can still take quite a while for a video to load for the first person to watch it, but they are there. Falls jemand seinen Namen sehen möchte, es gibt immer mal Einheiten und ähnliches zu bennenen...

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