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RE: New accounts soaring but Steemit use falling, multiple account spam?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Canvas fingerprint, restrict tor access to "read only", block ALL proxies (there's several services that offer a proxy list that is constantly updated for a very low fee; it'd be cheaper than paying multiaccounters), poor quality content scares "serious" users (I saw several postas "about me" attention wh0ring, those should not qualify as valid posts... that's what twitter is for).
Poor feedbaack, is a HUGE demeaner for content creators. I posted one thing here, to have a sh*tty generic comment 30 seconds after it was posted (800 words). If that's the quality of "readers" I rather save myself the trouble of spending 30 minutes typing so that a bot may get paid for pasting a line from a "gen_phraselist.txt" (or I could code one bot myself; where's the API at this?), without reading or giving me any feedback.

Look at and see the product a bad quality content in a site brings: BOTS


I don't mind 'crap posts' ala twitter, as who am I to judge content, but I agree bots are a problem

Well, crap posts are very easy to be bot made. A botnet could easily make several of them and abuse the system. There's several of them at github...

Coming from a spammer/bot builder background I can tell you without a doubt you'll never be able to block all bots/multi-account creation. There are simply too many simple ways to get passed fingerprints, proxy detection, etc. The community is better off using their voting power to kill obvious bot spam and just accepting the fact that a system like this is BEGGING to be gamed. A platform that potentially pays you to post with no built in method of censoring shit posts? Yes please.

You cannot block "all" but you can block a huge majority. You cannot rely on "social moderation" when a botnet can be formed by hundreds of accounts per human user boicoting them to disencourage the use of the site.
By "huge majority" I mean kiddiescripters.
Markov's chains can be detected, Gillespie's algorithm stats can be predicted and Stochastic calculus parsed out of variables.

I repeat, check out to see the results of leaving a site become a feeding frenzy pool for sharks (bots).

Of course, if it turns out to become another "bitlanders", then some minor adjustments over the already existent bots would "level the game" for everyone... But forget about the "useful content" part of the description of the site.

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