We Are On The Edge Of A Paradigm Shift

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Define Paradigm

Fundamental change in an individual's or a society's view of how things work in the world. For example, the shift from earth to sun as the center of solar system, 'humors' to microbes as causes of disease, heart to brain as the seat of thinking and feeling.


I see the same thing repeating over and over again and becoming fractalishes

If you think reality feels weird right now, just wait, 2018 is going to be an interesting ride. Not just for the cryptocurrency and blockchain community, I am seeing fundamental changes regarding governments and community of people all over the world. Is true anarchy finally going to get a chance?

Put On Your Seatbelt

It's time to learn to drive on hills and rough roads. No one can drive this car but you!

What Is In Your Wallet?

Don't tell anyone, especially the IRS!

Pictures from Pixabay

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some_text A link to My Blog


Blockchain is going to completely transform finance, medicine, supply chain management, and government. Bitcoin is just the beginning! Most of the impacts of blockchain won't even be directly observed by the consumer but it will serve us behind the scenes.

That is what I am seeing happen right now, Steemit is one of the best places to read about these changes and explore blockchain and the cryptocurrency world. But I think blockchain is just a byproduct of the evolution humans are going through right now.

Well, the view from my seat has definately changed fundamentally. It continues to change. And the rate at which it's changing is increasing.

It's a little scary, a little refreshing, a lot exciting.

@powellx5, things really started accelerating for me around 2008 and now the change is starting to be unsettling to say the least. My meditation practice is coming in handy right now. It is scary and fun at the same time, the learning curve is steep.

I just recently started meditating. I really just tried it to sort of center myself when I'm feeling hectic in the middle of my crazy days, which seems to be everyday! But the benefits have reached into so many other areas of my life. It's become so much easier to find peace in situations I would normally have anxiety and I've been sleeping better. I never would have believed it if I hadn't experienced it for myself!

What Is In Your Wallet?

Not certain Capital One knew what they started for crypto folks with that question. :)

I know, I know, hahaha <3

Wow...such a wonderful artwork collection by @reddust
I realy like frist one...it is more colorful and creative...
Wel done and perfect work madem...

Thank you @dinisanda, the energy of this change is inspiring!

This is your new dimension of writing. You're a versatile lady with a beautiful smile @reddust

Thank you @dobartim, I always feel really blissful, almost like a high after getting over a cold or the flu. I look at illness differently than many people. I see illness as a guide and viruses are kind of like a programming tool. I don't fight the illness I watch and learn! It is an interesting time to be alive....

Who will win, the old gods(faith), the new gods (technology), or humanity? lolololol

Technology is just a pencil in the hands of people, the rules of the Universe are the same for everyone, they do not change with time and technology. You are a ladies on a pedestal of moral values, full of understanding, knowledge and support.

That's funny. I've never heard anyone else say that getting over being sick gives them a bit of a rush the the day. I get migraines and the day after it's gone I feel like I'm so free and on top of the world.

Admittedly, a lot of the time the migraines are reprimanding me for bad behavior - junk food, not getting enough sleep... the migraines are a bit of a nag

I get migraines because of my gallbladder and pancreas issues and menopause. If I can stay away from sugary foods and not eat anything after 6pm I am migraine free. But this is difficult, I cook all the time for my family and many eat late and night and love cookies and breads, which I love to bake....

After getting the flu or cold it's like my body cleaned house...In fact I've read that getting sick is a way for the body cleaning house. Especially if one fasts during sickness.

Oh yeah! I completely empathize. Not eating after 6 is so hard (I've got stomach issues). 6 is about the time that everyone is just getting home from work, school, errands, and that's when it's the ideal time for most people to eat so eating before that can be hard then everyone wants dessert or a snack in front of the TV/computer/smartphone or while doing paperwork.

I am highly optimistic but for some reason I just can't shake the fact that usually advancements like these usually start out innocent and become corrupted by large players. But I am hopeful in spite of.

@humanearl, I feel the same, just look at steemit and the large accounts. But I stay hopefully the shift will wake people up to their potential to take control of their mind and body, become their own authority. Chaos is an opportunity for everyone....

You are so right, everything that is happening now reminds me of a book I read a few years ago, that was actually written in 2000 which predicted all of what is happening now.

It's called The New Netocracy and I highly recommend it, it is like it has prepared me for this moment. The authors (Bard and Sodeqvist) opine that the internet will act as a catalyst for a paradigm change from capitalism to informationalism.

Pretty much everything it has said about the structure of our world today has come true.

Forward the revolution!


I am going to get that book @cryptogee! I grew up reading Issac Asimov, I wanted to marry him when I was around 13 years old....but then I found JRR Tolkien...hahaha <3

Some very good insight and advice.
I concur.

Don't tell anyone.
Especially the police or the Intimidation Revue Service.

The first people they will make examples of.
The next group of people will be buried.
Admitting even a little, will just make them look harder for more.

Being completely open and honest, and giving them everything when they show up, will end up with them taking your whole house apart and every single electronic device. And you will be left with a house you have to put back together. They won't even leave you with a TV to watch.

The light is winning. But the dark will not give up. They will fight for their life. Expect atrocities from authorities like never before.

I think we are just standing on the edge of that abyss @builderofcastles. But there will be so many of us that if we stand together they will not be able to bury us all!

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