Steemiyt's policies yield these real results.

in #steemit7 months ago



Steemiyt's policies yield these real results.

It is estimated that around 95% of the accounts created on Steemit become inactive after a while, meaning they stop making new posts. This would imply an indeterminate number of inactive accounts. Many small communities on Steemit languish and become inactive after an initial engagement "boom." I would say that easily more than 500 communities could currently be considered inactive. Even some of the largest communities have a significant number of registered users who are no longer active on the platform. Some projections estimate that between 60-85% of registered users show no recent activity. So, in summary, inactivity in both individual accounts and entire communities seems to be a widespread phenomenon on the platform. Determining precise quantities would require access to internal metrics. Still, with publicly available data, it can be inferred that the numbers of inactivity are very high even today.


I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say the Steemit policy is responsible for this... Can you explain what you think is wrong or the cause?

You're right - there are so many inactive accounts (and Communities) and I've asked myself (and the public on Steem): how many bloggers are we even talking about...?

But I see users, for example, who don't get off to a good start because they come here with the wrong ideas, or who try to "cheat their way through", spam or plagiarise. They will of course end up on a blacklist and never see the sun again. Some come back with new accounts - and try again. Sometimes in a better way than before. The others just increase the number of inactive ones...

I entered a lot of groups and saw this and communities with thousands and only 100 active, that made me investigate the matter because it seems to me that so many rules and things make many not feel good to be in but it is my opinion when I see that such a good application does not achieve be as popular as the others, not talking about plagiarism or stealing publications but rather rigid regulations such as burning 25% of the club5050, forcing you to vote for community publications and the contest and commenting even if you don't like it, I don't know, maybe time will pass and I could understand these things better eprp for now I see them as obstacles to growing

As far as these self-made rules are concerned, we are in complete agreement. Netiquette, the protection of copyrights and the avoidance of loveless vote-phishing texts are important to me. And honesty, always honesty. At eye level.

But when you say you've joined so many Communities and observed... Your (current) account is just a few days old and you've joined four Communities, all of which are unsuspicious in this regard.

From my point of view, you have two options: get off to a serious start with this account and avoid previous mistakes. Or - take a big step and make a statement with a previous account: combined with an apology.

Of course, I can't advise you. More promising... I don't know. The fact is, the "big" curators check whom they give their votes to...

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You always have to review to understand the platforms. I did it with all of them and I do it with everything. I like to learn in depth and when I don't like something, I can't say that I like it. The ideas of freedom are what make my ideas dawn. every day and I hope that humanity is more culturally free, I know that we are few but sooner or later freedom will win the cultural battle

As before, I really enjoy the dialogue with you. You write well, you think freshly. I like both very much.

What I don't like is your attitude of just doing your thing and not reacting at all or reacting unobjectively when you are criticised.

Maybe you could control that a bit in future? Then I see you as an author with potential. I would be delighted ;-))

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