Steemit podcast info and a thanks to everyone

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Even though there is not expert writing this there are bits and pieces of the puzzle here that may be of help to someone.

First off it is HIGHLY recommend that you get on one of the podcasts or take the time to listen to one put out by a team with @sykochica … Great people anyway. I managed to listen live and chat a little on two. They happened to be on Steemit when I was on. A big thank you to each of them.

Sunday, July 8, 2017 the guest is @timsaid . If you haven’t heard of Tim you have been under a rock or newer than me on here. He is very informative and speaks in terms even I can understand.


I took a couple of notes and paraphrased, listed below. To get the real words go the podcast.

If you are not following these two I highly recommend you do that now. @timsaid knows what is myth and fact and @sykochica takes time to answer any questions anyone may have.

Here are my notes (paraphrased), there where other things discussed this is all I wrote down. They may not make sense to you so listen to the podcast.

Community in UI side
Join in community in like minded
Validates blockchain
Apr set by witnesses .. currently paying zero interest
Set price .. blockchain so pay out correct about of steem
Add value to community… fill gaps and add value..find their own unique value

Difference between mining and witness
In BTC blocks produced by miners..fastest gets biggest blocks
Steemit does not compete instead add value … amount of blocks you get is the amount of votes…votes by adding value to >the community..
Ways to improve the platform and the community

Steemit is bringing back mining
Tim puts a report together showing what they are up to.
Community needs to hold the witnesses responsible

In order to get on the live podcast calls you will need to join the server Discord.

Here is the link I have for Discord:

Be sure to Follow @SteemitTalk for future Podcasts & Live events.

There are always people to help and chat with here:

I think you will agree the beginning of learning something is gathering information. There are people on here willing to help.

Thanks to all of them including all the ones not mentioned in this post.

Anything I left off or did not mention please put in comments. Thanks!

flower clipart.jpg

Thanks for reading
We are all in this together, by helping you I am helping me.

photos by pixabay


Thank you @rebeccabe ! The podcast channel is a very cool place to hear the voices in command with understanding all the in's and out's of the Steemit ! I am an old and bashful dog, you are more courageous than I to speak up ! Sorry I missed out on that but maybe catch ya next time (if you promise not to reveal me in the dark hidden corner) !! HA

R.O.C.K On / STEEM On sister 'be !

thanks for commenting.. lol

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