What's your Steemit Mental Model?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

We're already here for almost 2 months now. Some of you for less than that, some for more. All experimented steemit in one way or another.

I ask now: How do you think of steemit?

We group things that are the same together or use a known model to better understand something new. The better the model, the deeper your understanding of the new "thing". Yet, with steemit, I struggle to form a clear model.

Is steemit as big as this fabled elephant?

To start, I turn towards other known models:

  • A social network. Facebook. It surely has social aspect but I don't interact mostly with friends, in fact it's quite the opposite, I interact mostly with strangers. Which makes me think more of..

  • Reddit-type of forum where we discuss with stranger, over the internet, our interests. Yes, it is a lot like that, and many have said that steemit= reddit + cryptocurrency, yet there are no subreddit clearly defined and you have a personal blog. So is this...

  • A blogging platform. Blogger. Wordpress. It certainly has aspects of that but here you have more power as you are more invested in the platform and everything seems a lot more..interconnected.

And last but not least, there's the cryptomoney that is like the unexpected twist that demolishes even the sturdiest of models.

I don't really know but curious to hear your take on this. How does steemit appears in your mind?


This is a very appropriate way of viewing Steem.

I accept your challenge. Here is mine.

Steemit is the second major piece in a puzzle that will ultimately reengineer the global systems of finance, commerce and government to yield a comprehensive free market solution to secure life, liberty, and property for all.

We need to thing BIGGER, Pinky!

Awesome man! I had a good giggle over the image too, although I think that of all three of your explanations I think of STEEM as all of them as well as a crazy cool sandbox in which I can build, with others!

It takes some thinking about for sure. It is something familiar, yet entirely new. I have a thought and was going to write it up for my own post later, this helps solidify thinking though and I thank you.

well. it's more of a question than an aswer unfortunately but thanks1

I was meaning more it solidifies the question. Didn't read an answer in your post, I was appreciating how you addressed, or drew attention to, the question

thanks a bunch!

i think you have pretty much wrapped it up it is (Facebook + Reddit + Blogging platform + Cryptocurrency)
In short, the next big thing! IMO

hahaha. i want to believe ;)

I view it closer to blogger. I am writing posts, I'm not sharing quick memes, or funny things that happened in my day.

And it has introduced me to Crytocurrencies. I was aware of Bitcoin before, but none of the other ones.

steemit does make cryptohead of us all...

A social network. Facebook. It surely has social aspect but I don't interact mostly with friends, in fact it's quite the opposite, I interact mostly with strangers. Which makes me think more of.

A friend in deed is a friend in need.
Don't takes your friend for Granted.
They will be all gone before you even know it.
Friendship Remains importance Everyday Never Die

I see steemit as:

A community with a smart financial backing, more or less. Since I participate in more than just the posting, I can't say it's just social media. It's also an income stream, which gives it some parallels to a job, but without the shitty aspects of jobs.

Great post! I've been struggling to explain this to others as well.

faddat. high praise man!

I see steemit as a potential medium to reward people for contributing new knowledge, opinions and value. I can see people releasing a whole range of intellectual product on here in the future and getting paid. Since there aren't really any bounds to intellectual products the sky is the limit. I am investing my time into steemit as I think it is a great tool to advance humanity and subvert power away from the global elite.

that's cool! thanks for commenting

I'm the same way: when I don't know how something new ticks, I tend to throw three or more analogies at its working parts. It's amazing how much we depend on reasoning my analogy, logically questionable though it is....

For myself, I'd say "an incentivized social network." It didn't take me long to fall into watching and reading the pages in my feed, and all-but completely confining myself to it wrt curating. True, I've made little more than dust in curating rewards, but I've still got a little reward for doing something that I'd doing anyway on a regular social network that I fit into.

"Meet new friends, read interesting content, and earn a little for upvoting and interacting in the comments. With a chance to earn a lot more from your Posts if you wow the whales."

haha. wowing the whales...sometimes it feels like a talent show...Steemit GOT TALENT y'all. And SimonCowell [ a.k.a dantheman [ just pressed the X. you're going into the final :D

ps: are you on steemit.chat? give me a sign if you join, i'd be honored to read your draft before you post and offer a few editing tips if at all possible :)

Actually, I'm not :( I have a hard time multitasking, at least while I'm learning the ropes.

Nice post! Upvoted. I see it as all three but with a Trojan Horse. The adoption of a new currency. I look forward to having Steem Dollars on a wallet and spending them. I should be able to do that at a conference in Munich at the end of September!

Voting here though is funny, sometimes lots of votes and very little value added. Other times way less votes and lots of Steem Dollars.
I was invited into a special group promoting good authors a few hours ago but the value added is very low.
What is your opinion? Thanks for your input and your great post.

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