We have a slider! What does it do?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Finally, a feature that was available only for people with over 100M vests but now the threshold is currently 1 mVest or about 310 SP!
It's the SLIDER!!

What does it doooo?

Basically, you can now vote with a percentage of your total voting power. You will give less money but you can vote on more stuff without pushing the VP into very low territory.
Personally, I'm incredibly excited - so much so that I literally CLAPPED! when I first saw it! - to see it go live as I have heard the big guys already had it and it's fun to use.

EDIT! People asked how to use it, some of you upvoted my post at 1% to test it out. So here are my guidelines!
I'd say that if your upvote is worth less than 15 cents, no reason to upvote POSTS you like at less than 100%. 1% when your upvote is so small it just does literally nothing. I also think that anything under 33% is kind of mean and sends a confusing message to the poster [ YES! I can see the % in steemstats.com and so can you!]
I'll use it mostly on comments because I want to reward good comments but still keep my VP for good posts. I'm using 33% for comments as of now and see how it goes.

If the new rules with the 5 votes instead of 40 be implemented, the slider will be your best friend :)
It's also great to upvote comments without burning all the gas. I LOVE UPVOTING GOOD COMMENTS!

So, if you have over 1M vests [ 310sp give or take] you can use it right away. Did you try it out?
What do you think?


I knew it. I have been voted on by whales before but didn't get the big payout like others. No I know why.... they were throttle voting my post. Kinda sucks but I get it. Seems like I am always a day late and a dollar short.

hey look, dan upvoted thought. you got that dollar back :D

Hey @razvanelulmarin I wasn't angry or looking for sympathy. I was just pointing out my suspicions. I am still happy with what I have been paid out, but it just feels unfair that the same vote can take one post into the thousands and another into just dollars. That part the "hurts" is that when you are the recipient of a "throttled" vote, it can make you feel "less than." I know my articles are not the best, so I also have to learn to accept that too.
Either way....
full $teem ahead!

I was kind of annoyed to learn that this was happening. Not sure what I think yet, but I don't have enough SP for it to be directly relevant to my own vote.

You have enough SP to use the slider now. How does that feel?? :)


I do now. For the most part I still keep it set to 100% when manually upvoting, like I just did with your comment :)

I wonder if you also get only the percentage (same as you upvoted for) of the rewards then? :)

I personally do not like that. If you like something, upvote and stand by it ;) But I guess it is useful for members that spend a lot of time on Steemit.

tested 1% upvoted lol

Same here lol :)

Edit please* The threshold is currently 1 mVest or about 310 SP :)

edited! thanks, i think I read it wrong in your comments at 100sp. my apologies, 2 a.m in Romania :)

The system is getting more complex every day. Now people need to think about how many times they already voted today, and instead of voting being a binary choice, it is a 100th degree choice.

that's what we call cognitive load. Yeah, but i think this slider could be a good thing...

YAY i am above that but only barely! :P hard as hell working your way up! i have a separate account i invested in but i wanted to grow this one manually to really see how steemit preformed for the normal user. Very much a grind as it were.

Thank you for explaining the new thingamajig! I was wondering how it worked and whether it was from reaching a new level or something else entirely.

It's weird, I can't decide If I like it or not! I like being able to keep my voting power within reason but I worry about how curation rewards will workout with voting power!?

I am not sure...i'll use it only on comments upvotes for now. If next week things change, i'll adapt. More will be revealed about curation too!

Upped for 1% looks like give nothing to you :(
Looks like now upvotes will bring more moral effect than some revenue to author

I, for one, will only use it for comments. I'll always upvote full on the post. It seems only fair :)

Only 5 post a day will be upped without upvote penalties . Maybe I spend too much time on steemit and see more than 5 post what I want to give few cents. Actually now I'm so far away from "fat dolphin" :) to take care about curation rewards.
Maybe I need spend a less time on steemit with reading the post because looks like I become to have some addiction.
Anyway good option, because some people beg for votes, but actually don't have a good content but have spend a lot of time or efforts. Vote with small power is better for this purpose and maybe will stimulate author to new better posts in future.

Hot dang, I just did it. 55% to you. That was simply to test the slider because you my friend will always get (apart from this one) 100%!

It is appafently broken on IE11... so you cannot currently vote if you have 310SP+ and use IE11... after you see the slider the vote buton does not work.

Useful! although..why is anyone using IE anymore? :))
@ned maybe you want to know.

Well, a lot of people actually... and if you want to get mainstream you cannot ignore it... there have been other bugs I have noticed with IE11 specifically on Steemit.

Here is a random stats to get an idea on recent browser usage percentages: https://www.w3counter.com/globalstats.php

I was just teasing :)
I actually know the stats because I worked for a start-up last year and we optimized for browsers and they were having a hard time with IE. Me, always the joker, said they shouldn't bother, that IE is DEAD and they showed me these stats.
We spend a few awkward seconds silently staring at each other in disbelief...as i am now :)

It is not that I don't use other browser, I have just dedicated my otherwise useless IE11 for using it only for Steemit while FF and Chrome I use for different things... and now I need to switch just because it won't let me vote with IE. :)

I never understood people who use more browsers, can you give me one example in which this is useful?

It depends lot on the person. I for example use a lot of browser windows with a lot of open tabs and Firefox becomes laggy and crashing often if you have multiple dynamically refreshing tabs open for long... so Facebook and Twitter go in Chrome, the other 150 tabs in FF. And a Whole IE11 just for Steemit stuff... I also need to test some stuff in different browsers for compatibility, so I need to have them available anyway, might as well use then to my advantage :)

PS. Now I notice that comment nesting is broken as well, I get a Reply to your last comment, but cannot actually post, while I don't get to Reply myself in the previous level (like it used to work), so I need to go a level up... that one does not seem to be an IE bug.

On this comment I actually see a Delete button next to the Edit one... WTF!

Tried a lot of plugins this one included, once FF hits about 2GB of memory usage or more it starts acting up...

The Delete button has disappeared from the upper comment once you replied and now I see it available for this one, afraid to try it though... :)

I just tested it, it literally came up just now.. So how much % wise should you vote on each pst? what would be the average?

I'm gonna make an edit. I'd say that if your upvote is worth less than 15 cents, no reason to upvote POSTS you like at less than 100% but i'd use it on comments because I want to reward good comments but still keep my VP for good posts. I'm using 33% for comments as of now :)

I see that makes sense, yeah my vote is probably worth under ten cents, hahah so i will vote with 100% and comment with less :) great shout!

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