The great IRONY: Centralized whales upvotes on a blockchain social media.

in #steemit8 years ago

Should whales delegate their upvotes power to as many diverse people as possible in order to create a decentralized voting mechanism which will take steemit to new heights?

That is the question.

I wrote about my idea that delegating vests is basically the nuts but now I want to expand a bit on this from a decentrilized point of view.

Look at this, i had to quote Reagan!

In this post, @hitmeasap talks about how the new trend of whales upvoting a percentage of their full power is a good sign as it's a way to upvote more while conserving their voting power [ of course, their upvotes will give less rewards ].

I have a few things to say, some of which I already said in the comments there.

I have no clue why whales are doing this, it might be an experiment, it might be a new strategy ( maybe the casino effect is no longer a viable strategy @dana-edwards, i'd be interested to get your take on that ) but what I don't think it is is a way to conserve their VotingPower.
I say this because if you look at the VP of whales you'll notice that with the exception smooth, wang,complexring and maybe a few others I missed, the whales VP is at 98%+. My VP is at 67% and haven't seen the 90s for weeks. So this is not that the rest of the whales upvote less because of their VP.

But let's say that this will increase the numbers of votes we'll see from whales [ again, this is not happening if you look at trends, as stated in the post ] is that good? On the surface, yes but in essence the whole idea is flawed.

It's the idea that A WHALE will upvote MORE. Don't you see the IRONY?!
The upvote power of the whale stays CENTRALIZED!
How can we have here a blockchain revolution when thinking the OLD WAY?!

What we need is more valuable upvotes. What we need is more whales.
Because what we really need is more diversity on the trending page, more people feeling included in the conversation on steemit and more good post getting noticed!
Minding the trending page is something very important, after all there are only so many spots there...

So, going back to my main idea, we can not create whales out of thing air so what can we do?
MAYBE we can create a category of delegates, who can vote with a percentage of their votes, as they will, entrusted to discover and encourage great content that would otherwise go unnoticed!

I believe that when this will happen on a large scale, the steemit revolution will be on its way. Until then, I remain a curator and doing my [ small ] part hoping....hoping that something will move in the right direction.

How would it work, who gets the most rewards, how can you still vote for yourself as a delegate? All great questions that we'll need to figure out. AND WE WILL, if nothing else, the community here proved that it can come together for the greater good. I'm not that worried about this part, once we go on this path, the rest will settle in place fairly and fast.

Thank you for reading.


How can we have here a blockchain revolution when thinking the OLD WAY?!

Exactly! Noticed this a few times around here that despite the talk of a new way of doing things, thought process do not seem to change. And it must!

what we think, we shall become!!

You're right we do need "more whales" ... well in reality we probably only need more dolphins. Does everyone need to get posts worth thousands to feel valued? No certainly not, but some recognition of good, well thought out, informative, funny, creative, insightful or just plain nice to read content would be great going forward. No we don't really need more huge votes, the whales we have are great, and do reward a lot of people with huge sums. We sure could use more votes worth 0.50 - 1.00 SBD though! Your delegate Idea might be great for achieving that!

i actually agree, but 1sbd posts don't a good ad make, 10.000$ posts do so there's a need for that too. if a dolphin is over 3000sp, than i am on and my upvpte give 4 cents...not much at all.

A dolphin is someone who can give 0.5 to 1 SBD, need much more than 3000 sp for that. I am certainly not a dolphin. Maybe 30,000 SP.

well, it was generally accepted that 10M vests = dolphin that's about 3000SP. you are a dolphin. 100M vests is an orca.

Fine then, we need more orcas. :)

Creating a category of delegates makes sense. More conversations on this topic is needed. great job @razvanelulmarin

What is a category of delegates? what would that look like?

I believe that when this will happen on a large scale, the steemit revolution will be on its way. Until then, I remain a curator and doing my [ small ] part hoping....hoping that something will move in the right direction.

I agree with you and thats exactly what I chose to do, hoping for more whales and be patient until old ways changed for real , support and motivate newbies as much as I can

the more the whales upvote the more people will join. the more people the higher the value of the block chain. more upvotes for all! 8D

Simply Great Information and Presentation

I think it would be an advantage to delegates whales voting power to increase the number whales in the community. Increasing the number of whales is important since the number of members are increasing so fast every day and if the number of whales will not increase what will happen is that those newcomers who are expecting the things that they heard about the steemit will just say, ah there's nothing especial here, it's just a typical social media site that lets you post content and gain rewards from friend zone.

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