

barren wasteland

I'm a poet ... nice phraseology. :-)

Thanks for the support, mate.

A lot of people have similar sentiments. Those people are called the Silent Majority and, true to their moniker, they remain "silent and unengaged." Their apathy allows a few loud voices, the extremists, to dominate the conversation. "Let someone else fix it." Steemit is but a microcosm of the world-at-large. Technology changes, people don't.

Winston Churchill once said, "People get the government they deserve." By extension, I would argue that, "Steemians get the blockchain they deserve."

Steemians will be the authors of their own demise.


Very true! I am but a silent-cog in a very large machine. If I stop posting, nothing happens. If all the people that are fucked off with bid bots stop posting...

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