Just some random Thoughts about Steemit!!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Well there seems to be plenty of blockchain space lately around here. Well I have been talking with a few friends and fellow steemians on how to take this platform to the next leval. I have come to the conclusion that getting people to sign up is not the hard part, getting them to stay is.


So whats the answer? Not sure I can look into the magical 8 ball and tell you. What I can tell you is what I think. This whole time it was right in front of my face, I just need to slow down and see.



Forget the tags, tags are nice and all for filing and such but not much other than that. Replace the tag with communities! Now these are rough thoughts so bare with me. People need a place to land, to grow, to support, and to learn. Most of all they need to feel welcomed and valued if they are gonna stay and a Tag can't do this but a community can.

So How would you build these communities? Again, not sure I can answer this question either but I do have some thoughts. 1st off, every community has to have some sort of structure, with some type of leadership. Then you have to have the most important part, SUPPORT!


New members to steemit have to have a place to call home, or they will find a place to call home, 20 cents post will not get them to stay, but 20 cents post and a community that supports them, might just do the trick and get them to stay.

So By now I am sure that you are thinking, this dude has lost his mind. Well think about it, actually look at it. Cause there are already a few communities that could be the example. Take a look at #steemsilvergold.


This is a community of silver and gold stackes (investors) we have structure, we have a developed group that looks after the best intrest of the community, We are growing. Now this is the place I call home , I will tell you that with out the COMMUNITY at #steemsilvergold, I probably would have left to but I feel at home here and there for I am still around, still posting everyday, even when steem is at $1.06.

This idea may not be the answer, but it sure wouldn't make it worse.


Well I gotta run, appreciate your support and comments.



Well since steem is back down to the dollar range its time to bring back the reminder..... ya'll hit for me



This actually makes a lot of sense to me. The promotion of Steemit as the content rewarding platform isn’t in any way the problem cause that I do with my team under our community steemjet and here is a proof


But you’re right again, the problem is getting people to stay. Since my entire promotion I’ve enrolled I mean signed up quite a few on the platform, friends and friends of friends but none is no where to be found on Steemit anymore. Some loose interest after endless creation of contents but no rewards or support.

In my own world , encouragement is motivational, it is inspirational. Communities are truly needed, in one of my motivational posts. I mentioned the importance of growth not as individuals but as a group , a community.

Without support I’d be no where, without community I’d be found wanting on this platform. Community has helped me grown in skills and capabilities and the people I’ve met had all contributed to my growth. Conclusively, you had the right thoughts sir, thanks for enlightening, you’re very much appreciated

Looks like your community has a solid base, would love to learn more about it. Thanks for stopping by.

Communities are a great idea and SSG is a great example. Without them I probably would not be here either. The part I don't understand is people leaving for not making enough money. Then they run back to facebook/instagram/twitter and post....earning nothing.

Another thing that would grow steemit would be getting Alex Jones and his followers over here. Not sure how to make that happen but it would add a couple millions folks.

Great idea on A.J. yeah I dont understand running back to another social media platform.


I was very lucky when I arrived at steemit, a little more than six months ago. I was brought here by @sbsparts, who introduced me to the community and answered hundreds of questions about steemit. People like @silverstackeruk, @fat-elvis, @phelimint and many others pointed the directions and helped me in many ways.
If our community did not exist, I would surely be out of steemit.
That is what happens with people that don't find a community that they may belong.

Glad you are here bud, thanks for stopping by.

I have noticed several other groups doing the same thing. For example the homesteading group has started GHSC as a way to promote community. This is the way a lot of groups need to go if steemit is going to really flourish.

Agreed 😎👍

I think you are spot on Communities are a great way Steemit can be improved and retition of new people would I am sure improve

Thanks @tattodjay. I truly belive communities are the answer.

@raybrockman Yes it just makes so much sense

20 cents post will not get them to stay, but 20 cents post and a community that supports them, might just do the trick

Truest words on steemit that I heard today. I guess at some level all the newbies know that they won't be becoming steem superstars but as long as they have good people to be around with............ as you said - 'It just might do the trick'

Are they still releasing communities in HF20?
Supposed to be here late September, around the 27th.

When it hits you need to grab the SSG name as fast as you can 😉

Not sure but I like the way it sounds.

They've said they're two separate things and will be released at separate times.

Dang, Well I hope they get here quick :-)

Without communities right now I think Steemit would be a ghost town. My entire fees only had 37 posts today.

Wow, appreciate ya being here bud. Thanks for stopping in.

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