Growing Steemit: Depth vs Breadth

in #steemit7 years ago

So now that I’m about two months into Steemit, I think it is time for a bit of reflection. I didn’t come into Steemit with a pre-established fanbase, so I’ve thought often about how to build my user base and post rewards. I’ve heard more than a few people say you can’t force an audience or post rewards. Such a concept makes sense to me, but one can’t help but be pulled by the lure of post rewards and drift toward the most popular subjects in Steemit. Such a pull is drastically different than my ideas about establishing new niches that I had when I started blogging.

Now, because I can’t help myself, I want to dip into teaching some Computer Science. There are two terms that are used in CS, especially when it comes to searching and traversal: Depth First and Breadth First. Say were assigned to find a lost suitcase in a hotel without only one set of elevators, but you don’t know in what room it was left. So you have to search each room and so you define an algorithm to make the most efficient search. A depth-first search would be to search each room on one floor before moving to the next floor and repeating. A breadth-first search would be to search the room closest to the elevator on each floor, then moving on to the second closest room, etc. Now as with most problems there is a superior algorithm. In this case, the superior solution would be to search an entire floor at one time, due to the time it would take to use the elevator compared to walking to each room. Now if you changed the parameters so that the owner of the missing suitcase prefers rooms closer to the elevator, then the latter algorithm might be superior.

Now to apply these terms to Steemit. Steemit has great depth in certain issues. Crypto and art come to mind initially. There are a ton of high-value posts on both these topics and it can be so tempting to try to dip into those pools. However, I do not believe depth is what will expand Steemit the most, but the breadth of subject matter. Take one of my interests that I have not yet posted about on Steemit: Geocaching. If one comes to Steemit and loves geocaching, they aren’t going to find much content to draw them in and keep them engaged or an audience to vote on their posts. The broader range of subject matter on Steemit, the more appealing the produce will be to the widest range of users. This appeal is what will drive a massive growth in Steem.

I’ve attached myself to some smaller but vibrant niches in Steemit and while the posts are not drawing huge numbers, I am having a good time. I hope to be able to grow them, but I am a small minnow in a big sea. I am going to be pondering ways we can grow the breadth of Steemit to be increase it’s appeal across the board. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please add them in the comments.

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Nice way to tie in some CS concepts!

How has using a breadth-first search worked out for you?

I've been wondering about the same thing

It’s been slow going. The key I think is to just try and find like minded individuals, communicate with them and try to grow your niches.

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