Ever Notice How Everyone posting on Steemit is So Damn Positive?

in #steemit7 years ago


Okay, I know some of my stuff can be as salty as a Molly Rome bukkake clip on Pornhub. Now that I got that visual out of the way there is a reason that everyone is trying to give you a sunshine enema with their post. You may not like the answer.

You're the dumb ass buying it and shipping them all the up votes. Life isn't all lolipop and orgasms. It's a series a problems. If you let the happiness peddlers convince you that if you just have a positive outlook and then your alphabet soup filled tripled chalice will come in then you are royally and unequivocally fucked.


It's time to wake up and smell the butter nut crunch. If you really want happiness stop burying your head in the sand and start facing your problems. Solve the biggest one first. That most likely will create a slightly smaller problem. Solve that next. Rinse and repeat.

Here's the secret. You get to stop when you die. Happiness isn't found in not having problems. It's found in having the ability to solve the problems. It's found in getting good at solving them and knowing no matter what life throws at you that you will whip its ass with a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat and then dispose of it's chopped up body in the gulf stream. For today, I think that's the visual I'll leave you with, the bastard lovechild of Negan and Dexter.


pretty funny

I think that's the visual I'll leave you with, the bastard lovechild of Negan and Dexter.

good morning

Glad you liked it,

Morning to you too.

Maybe that's why I like to post dark and depressing things. It counteracts the fluffier side of steemit.

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