First Steemit Meetup in Bucharest - tea, beer and beautiful people in a chill garden

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

A few days ago I saw a post by @djvidov announcing the first Steemit Bucharest meetup.

I said "count me in" and today after work I went to the meeting place, a super chill tea house with a beautiful, green garden. "Ceai la Vlaicu" meaning "Tea at Vlaicu" is called and you can count it in the list of the hidden gems of Bucharest.

On my way there I decided to try a different route, to walk on lateral, smaller streets which are often charming and full of beautiful old, houses with luscious gardens and birds singing. Even if I erred a bit I so much enjoyed it.

I discovered this small, roundish street which was so beautifully bathed by the setting sun that it took my breath away. The first thing that drew my attention was this bar with a terrace that made me feel like I was traveling back in time. And I loved its name "Smart's" :)


Further along, I saw this retro car, keeping me in the "back in time" movie:



And then I looked at the building behind and I loved its curvy shape bathing in the sun:


And then I saw this balcony:


I don't know why I enjoyed the vibe of this whole street so much, but I want to go back and take more pictures.

Then I got to the tea-house and I found my fellow Romanian Steemians:


From left to right: @mikimike, @djvidov, @alinamarin.


And @emag, @teutorigos, @gamestack and his wife, who promised us to join Steemit ASAP.

It was a very chill and relaxed meeting, over beers, lemonade, tea and vanilla ice cream in rooibos tea - something I have never tried before:


We got to know each other a bit, we shared about our experience on Steemit so far, what strategies for growth we have been using or not and why, what we want from our involvement in the platform and the community and what we want to do next.

I suggested that we should keep each other accountable with these regular meetups, so we're actually helping each other grow on Steemit.

All in all, it was a lovely meeting, I am grateful for everyone who took their time to come to this meetup.

And I am very grateful that Steemit brought us together and made us connect so easily and naturally.

I'm curious and optimistic about how these new connections will grow into new relationships within and outside Steemit.

PS: I hope one of them will publish a post with a photo where I appear too, I know someone took a selfie with all of us ;)

Hi, I'm Raluca. I've studied communication and psychology, and I'm currently working as a copywriter. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.



we are a big community of romanians on steemit, we should make a really big meetup once.

Yes, that's sounds like a good idea!

Very happy to see this happening. Historically, though, the first Steemit meetup was last year at the now defunct Connect Hub and it was held by yours truly. But those are details. What matter is that people are gathering together for a good cause. Wish I could have been there :)

Will have to rectify this then: first Bucharest Steemit meetup after yours :))) Your name was mentioned a few times in the meeting, so you've been with us, even if not physically. You can join next time, we're planning to meet twice a month. :)

As long as you reach your goals with these meeting, it doesn't really matter who had it first, it's just for historical reasons, as I said. Would join for sure next time, if I'm around.

We can have another first meetup when you'll join us :D

Ok, this is the second time. that's fine. :)
In the end you're guilty because of Steemit 'virus', at least in my case. :)

Glad to hear, I hope the Romanian community will grow, is looking good already :)

Yeap, I hope so too. Bit by bit, I think we're heading in a good direction :)

You've done so many things before meeting us. It was a real pleasure to meet you in person and our meetup was beyond my expectation. Thank you:)

The pleasure was mine :) Thank you for sharing so many things with us from your experience with Steemit. I'm looking forward to applying your advice ;) and for our next meetup

I am impressed .
It would be great if we, the steemians from my area could gather together in the area where I live, but so far we could find only few people who are into Steemit. We hope to see more an more. Great job. Steemit on!

Hey, thanks! :) I'm sure in time you'll get a nice bunch of people into Steemit in your area. Where do you live? Steem on :)

Niceee! Love that this is happening! Beautiful people.
We can do also a Romanian SteemIt Convention.
Can you post in the fb group your nicks from steem, so I can follow you and put an avatar to a face and name. It makes everything more personal :)

Hey, it was really nice. Yeah, we could do a Romanian convention, sounds like fun. I will post in the FB group. thanks for the support! :)

Hi Raluca! I hope to be in one of these meetings one day,I`m from Bucharest :) followed and upvoted!

Hi Valentin, thanks! Nice meeting you here. There haven't been any meetups lately in Bucharest, but maybe we'll do them again and meet :)

Wow I know this is Romania but it definitely gives me a Cuban vibe and feeling

I've never been to Cuba, but I like how you think :)

Yes, Raluca is the first one! It was a great experience. I really enjoy it and at the end I took some good lessons. I can't wait next meetup! :)

It was, I feel pumped up for the next 2 weeks. Looking forward to your post with the nice pictures you took :)

It really was a pleasant meetup. See you soon :)

Yes, see you in 2 weeks :) I'm waiting for your posts, here on Steemit ;)

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