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RE: Steemit Update: HF21 Testnet, SPS, EIP, Rewards API, SMTs!

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Positive perception... is what is destroyed through vote selling. I've said this over and over again in posts I've written as well as comments.

Any serious high quality content creator runs a mile when they see how the system works on steem. The levels of shit content on steem aren't just the result of con artists, plagiarism and spam artists... it's also the result of a huge amount of people of quality either leaving, or never joining in the first place when they see how the system is set up.

Believe me, I pitched an idea for a steem community marketing up-and-coming authors to a friend who works in publishing in early 2018. After many conversations the jist of what she said was; that the system was far too corrupt for them to get involved and risk reputation or their clients interest.

Big mainstream entertainment industry investment is what will bring huge value to steem. And this will not happen the way things are working now.


I have horror stories as well. I once nearly convinced a top chef in Canada to hire a blogger and do foodie articles to promote his business and menu. I had him until he saw the front page, and I had to explain why some of that trash was there. He wasn't comfortable putting his name and image next to anything like that and also said, "If I was caught buying positive reviews for my business, I would be ruined." Dude is a millionaire, drives a fast car. No doubt he would have purchased some STEEM. Articles that double as advertisments that could potentially earn enough to pay the blogger, plus have a free form of advertising, along with a platform that allows free publishing, those links can be then passed around social media. It's an easy sell until you see the disaster these folks have created with their paid votes. If someone comes and sees it's impossible to compete without paying a toll, they just take the traditional route, because it's easier and more effective. Current front page drives eyes away. Why would anyone invest in that? That approach is only for the amateurs who don't know the business, which is why the vote sellers market their service as something that leads to success. Pros already know how to be successful. They don't need the "miracle cure."

@nonameslefttouse that is stunning. People like that are presented the blockchain alone is tough enough, but having someone that may have actually considered implementing steem/steemit into their business and feels they can't is mind-boggling to me. You are right, that is where the real growth is going to come. There needs to be some level of saturation of regular users within businesses like this. Getting new users is hard enough, steemit's focus I believe should be more on retention and let the success stories in their own carry your marketing effort for you.

One hundred percent, every change should be focused on getting "regular people" onto steem. This whole chasing of investor dollars is silly. This myriad of problems we have would be an annoyance instead of an ecosystem if the userbase were truly in the millions and not just "millions of accounts". We need the voices of people who don't have the time or energy to waste trying to game the system. That's where the "your upvote directly rewards content creators" pitch matters. They don't care about getting 50% of their pennies back.

The cool thing is if you feel you have a better idea there is an opportunity to create your own sidechain with steem-engine...

I'm the user I think there should be more of. I haven't got any tech savvy, really. I think steem is a great idea as advertised, the implementation just makes it tough to be joe schmoe on here.

Yep same here. I think keeping people like yourself and me as well needs to be more of a priority if possible.

I hear you m8. Yeah, that sounds very familiar.

If someone comes and sees it's impossible to compete without paying a toll, they just take the traditional route, because it's easier and more effective. Current front page drives eyes away. Why would anyone invest in that?

Absolutely spot on. There is a big issue on steem with some of the biggest SP holders having nothing to do with, and no interest in content creation, or understanding how this can be a virtuous cycle that brings increasing investment when incentives are there and are honest.

Lol, but I'm gonna retire from this comment thread I think.

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